Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mando Ch10 and Source Guide Updates

It’s been a busy week at SWRPGGM with several updates to various areas of the website.

The Mandalorian Source Guide is up to Chapter 10: The Passenger and we will continue to add a new chapter each weekend. This weeks additions include Dr. Mandible, the Scrapjaw Raider, Kajain’sa’Nikto Raider, Desert Demon Brawler, Biran Redben, the Scrap Metal Sword, and the Liquid Storage Pod. Over the next week we will be updating Chapter 11: The Heiress.

Speaking of Source Guides you will see we have opened up the links to all the source guides in development now. This is to make it easier for me to sort the various Star Wars Source Guides as we publish templates. My schedule for Source Guides is that we will be constantly updating The High Republic Source Guide as we get more information on the characters and story. I’ll update that progress through the blog as characters get updated and if things change with their stats. The next big Source Guide update will be with The Clone Wars Source Guide. I’ll be updating based on the Chronological order of the show, which bounced around in the first few seasons. I’ve posted the order I will be updating each episode and will have a summary of each episode as I have done with The Mandalorian. The Bad Batch is scheduled to premiere May 4th, 2021 and I’ll do a weekly update when that starts to air. I’m working on figuring out a schedule to release content from each Star Wars Show / Film / Book / Comic. I’ll continue to publish the latest show updates over the weekend on Saturday and Sunday.

In other Star Wars news, tons of character rumors are out there. I’ve seen reports of Obi Wan appearing in the Andor series and even a rumor of yet another series following Thrawn and Ezra post Rebels. As always these are just rumors and unless the come from Disney it likely isn’t true or doesn’t include all the information needed to understand the role that character or event will play in the series. We have a lot of Star Wars content coming, let us all just enjoy them upon release.

In book news, before he was Grand Admiral, Thrawn had some competition. In a exclusive excerpt of Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good found on, the second book in Timothy Zahn’s trilogy that chronicles Thrawn’s rise, Senior Captains Thrawn and Lakinda lead their own cruisers into battle. Both have their own methods, and Admiral Ar’alani eagerly watches the results.

That’s it for this week, keep looking out for more updates! Follow us on Twitter at @SWRPGGM and as always May The Force Be With You!


PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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