Legislative Youth Program Role-Plays Vote

HANNA CITY, CHANDRILA – The Miltary Creation Act was approved by a narrow margin in a Legislative Youth Program simulation of next month’s vote.

Young delegates from throughout the galaxy converged on Hanna City for their annual mock full-Senate session. Many delegates were unable to attend, having had their memberships revoked due to secessionist activity, or being fearful of interstellar travel during the current crisis.

Junior Chancellor Kennis Radi presided over the vote, putting forth the articles of the Military Creation Act. The articles were conjecture since Supreme Chancellor Palpatine has yet to reveal the exact scope of next month’s vote. The youth version of the vote was a simple “yes / no” proposition.

The yes side won by a narrow 52 to 48 percent margin.

“This is only the first of our victories!” said a victorious 10-year old Needo Farr from Rodia. “We won this vote, and our mighty army will win this war!”

“It’s lamentable when the only answer we can find lies in the creation of an army,” said Dashé Borreno, a 9-year old political prodigy from Naboo. “I had hoped that we, as a new generation of lawmakers and leaders, could find a better alternative.”

Added Borreno, “We probably would have won if Trevor [Insevade of Alderaan] wasn’t sick with nerf-pox.”