Sunday, July 7, 2024
HoloNet News

Sensor Technology Dispute Settled in Takeover

HPAQ, VULPTER – The 18-month-long dispute between Viper Sensor Intelligence Systems and Arakyd Industries is now resolved following the Arakyd assault and takeover of the VSIS headquarters.

Asserting that Viper’s prototype XPLR-R hyperspace-route-mapping and habitation-location unit borrowed heavily from the proprietary designs of the Arakyd line of probing droids, Arakyd was demanding aggressive remuneration and technology rights of the younger firm.

Last night, 60 Arakyd AAD-4 assault droids entered Viper Tower just prior to the end of the business day quickly eliminating ground-floor security units. The remaining Viper staff were relocated to the testing wing while three XR-37 tank units obliterated the building’s top floors which housed accounting and administrative divisions.

“We were so focused on perfecting the advanced sensor analysis of the XPLR-R, that we simply ignored our needs in corporate defense,” said former VSIS president Rina Fio after her release by Arakyd forces. “Obviously that was a big mistake. We’re pleased that under our new management Viper will have the backing of the Techno Union military forces.”

Arakyd says it will keep VSIS in operation as a research-and-development division. A garrison will remain at the headquarters in order to assist with the transition.

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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