Sunday, July 7, 2024
HoloNet News

Baby Ludi Feature Slated for this Fall

CORE NODE – Kailio Entertainments have secured the rights for the Baby Ludi story, and pre-production has already been greenlighted for a feature-length presentation for the fall holo season. The studio beat out three others in its bid to secure the rights, but the final asking price has not been disclosed. According to the trade holo Verisimilitude, studios were prepared to pay upwards of 125 million credits to secure a deal, not counting merchandising rights. While no casting has been announced for what’s now known just as “Untitled Baby Ludi Project,” industry insiders predict that Kailio contract star Harissa Shoti will likely play the Jonava Billane, the mother of Baby Ludi. Helming the production will be Ch’been, the H’drachi director behind such blockbusters as A Shadow Falls, Tyranny Reborn and Dark Romance. Spiritualist Ch’been has been meditating on the subject of Baby Ludi for weeks, using his so-called “timestream” reading ability to predict the future of the infant’s tale.

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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