Calls on Republic’s Citizens to guide Republic through “storm.”

SENATE ROTUNDA, CORUSCANT — Supreme Chancellor Palpatine took to the general channels of the HoloNet yesterday to announce the hotly debated Military Creation Act will finally be settled next month. Palpatine announced the date of 5:16 for the full Senate vote on the creation of an Army of the Republic.

“Above all things, this is a democratic union, and we will turn to the will of the people to decide this most contentious issue. Even when times are turbulent, we will always look to the Republic’s citizens, through their elected representatives, to guide this grand vessel through any storm,” said Palpatine.

Though reaction is strong on both sides of the Army debate, there is at least some consensus: a sense of relief that two years worth of bureaucratic stalemating is finally being resolved.

“I applaud the Supreme Chancellor for taking the initiative to end this pointless debate,” said Senator Aks Moe (Malastare). “We’ve wasted enough time while our enemies conspire against us. By year’s end, I predict a strong, proud unified army working side by side with the Jedi order to protect our worlds.”

Vocal opponent Senators caution that the vote could serve to provoke increased hostilities with Separatists forces. “Make no mistake, [a yes vote] will galvanize the Separatists, and be seen by them as an invitation to war,” said Senator Tendau Bendon (Ithor). “Every Senator must think heavily upon the consequences of next month’s decision. We are not just voting on the creation of a defense force, but rather our votes will determine the start of open hostilities.”

Others, like Senator Garm Bel Iblis (Corellia), were more pragmatic about the issue. “Where is this army going to come from? Who will get stuck with the bill for its creation? The Republic taxpayer. We should stay with Planetary Security Forces that have worked for centuries. The Corellian people are not going to pay for both CorSec and this Republic Army.”

The Supreme Chancellor avoided partisan arguments, though his past statements have indicated he is against the Military Creation Act. “My ultimate goal is a peaceful resolution to this conflict, above all,” said Palpatine at the end of his announcement. “But if such a resolution requires the creation of a military, as decreed by the Senate, then I will abide by the will of the Republic, a Republic that has stood strong for a thousand generations, that has enjoyed peace for a thousand years.”

The two-month interim before the vote will allow for distant Senators to return to Coruscant, while gauging public opinion within their constituencies. Individual sector and planetary referendums are expected to be common in the coming weeks.

The exact phrasing of the vote was not revealed by Palpatine, but is likely to be a simple yes/no proposition on creating an Army of the Republic. After that, it is likely a commission will be set up with appointed Senators to determine military resource allocation.

“How long will those decisions take? It’s taken two years just to table the vote. By the time we determine which sector and planetary forces will contribute to the military, there may not be any systems left in the Republic,” said Senator Tikkes (Mon Calamari). “If Palpatine thinks this issue will go away with this vote, he’s more naïve than I thought.”

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