Ragnar was a human male Child of the Watch who was inducted into the Mandalorian cult led by a woman known as "the Armorer."
Month: March 2023
Child of the Watch
When a Child of the Watch came of age, they performed a ceremony for the foundling's swearing of the Creed.
Chiewab Medical DroidÂ
A model of medical droid was used during the Clone Wars by the Death Watch Mandalorian splinter group, as well as by the Galactic Republic and its successor state, the Galactic Empire, following the war.
Helen Scalder
Scalder was a female human doctor who served under the Galactic Empire during the early days of the Imperial Era as an administrator, technician, and scientist. Safeguarded by a contingent of Imperial royal guards, Scalder oversaw the Empire's cloning procedures in Mount Tantiss on the planet Weyland.
Vane was a Nikto pirate who was a member of Captain Gorian Shard's pirate gang. Along with other pirates, He encountered Din Djarin and Greef Karga on the planet Nevarro.
Anzellans were a diminutive sentient species. The tiny beings often took up tech jobs such as the droidsmith Babu Frik.
U9-C4, also referred to as Ceefor and nicknamed "Flat Top" by Colonel Meebur Gascon, was a somewhat timid masculine astromech droid owned by Thongla Jur, a member of the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars.
Kalevala was a planet located in the Mandalore system, within the Mandalore sector of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories, that was the homeworld of House Kryze.
A species of massive, whale-like creatures that live in deep space, traveling from star system to star system. It is their natural ability to fly through hyperspace that inspired sentients to develop the hyperdrive technology.