CT-4040, nicknamed “Cutup” was a clone trooper who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
Month: September 2021
Weequay Blaster Pistol
A type of blaster pistol was used by Hondo Ohnaka's pirates and various others throughout the galaxy during the Clone Wars. The blaster pistol commonly fired red blaster bolts, though Hondo Ohnaka used one that fired blue bolts.
Aurek Tactical Strikefighter
The Aurek-class tactical strikefighter, also known as an A-wing, was a Republic starfighter, several models of which were used in the Old Sith Wars, the Great Galactic War, the New Sith Wars, and even until the final generation of the Republic.
CT-782, nicknamed "Hevy" due to his expertise in the use of heavy weapons, was a clone trooper who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
CT-66-3339 was a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett who was born on the planet Kamino. Like his companions, CT-66-3339 was made to serve in the Grand Army of the Republic.
J-type Star Skiff
The J-type star skiff (sometimes called the Naboo star skiff) was a yacht starship created by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the Royal House of Naboo.
Star Saber XC-01
The Star Saber XC-01 starfighter was an experimental fighter produced by Republic Fleet Systems, and tested by Jedi pilots during the Great Sith War.
Trident-Class Assault Ship
The Trident-class assault ship, also known as the Trident assault ship, was a model of aquatic gunship manufactured by the Colicoid Creation Nest. They were used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. The starships acted as both attack craft and transports that could travel underwater and in space. A larger version of the ship known as the Trident drill assault craft had a giant drill spike located at the bottom of the craft, which could be used to penetrate the hulls of battleships and bunkers. The ship could then release troops such as AQ-series battle droids by use of deployment racks through the hole it created.
LR-57 Combat/Retail Droid
The LR-57 combat droid, also known as the Retail Caucus droid, retail droid, or mine droid, was a model of battle droid used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Primarily used as sentinels, these droids were bipedal and possessed two upper limbs terminating in two blaster cannons, four in all. They could be left dormant for long periods of time while their sensitive dorsal antennae searched for specific types of signals, activity, or other disturbances, enabling the droids to be used as autonomous mines.