Friday, July 26, 2024
Capital Ships

Trident-Class Assault Ship

Craft: Colicoid Creation Nest Trident-class Assault Ship
Type: Aquatic Assault Gunship
Scale: Capital
Length: 88.71 meters
Skill: Space Transports: Trident-class Assault Ship
Crew: 4
Passengers: 12 AQ-series battle droids
Cargo Capacity: 10 kg
Consumables: 1 week
Cost: 120,000 credits
Hyperdrive: N
Nav Computer: N
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Space: 4
Atmosphere: 225; 800 kmh
Hull: 3D
Shields: N
Passive: 15/0D
Scan: 30/1D
Search: 45/2D
Focus: 2/2D+2

8 Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: Front/Turret
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 4D

Fire Arc: Turret
Scale: Capital
Fire Control: 0D
Range: 0m (contact weapon)
Damage: 8D

Armored Tentacles
Fire Arc: Rear
Scale: Capital
Fire Control: 0D
Range: 0m (contact weapon)
Damage: 5D

Game Note: Armored tentacles: The Trident-class Assault Ship can grasp onto other ships or surfaces.

Background: The Trident-class assault ship, also known as the Trident assault ship, was a model of aquatic gunship manufactured by the Colicoid Creation Nest. They were used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. The starships acted as both attack craft and transports that could travel underwater and in space. A larger version of the ship known as the Trident drill assault craft had a giant drill spike located at the bottom of the craft, which could be used to penetrate the hulls of battleships and bunkers. The ship could then release troops such as AQ-series battle droids by use of deployment racks through the hole it created.

The Trident-class assault ship, also known as the Trident assault ship, Trident drill assault craft, or simply drill assault craft, was a type of assault ship manufactured by Colicoid Creation Nest. They had four durasteel-armored tentacles equipped with magnetic grapples that served both as weapons and as a means of mobility, as well as a rhombus pyramid-style head that featured several observation portals.

It was not equipped with a hyperdrive, although it could be effectively utilized underwater. It measured at 88.71 meters and was equipped with eight laser cannons. There were two variants of the Trident-class, a smaller variant and a larger variant. At the base of the head and between the tentacles larger variant was a drill spike used to penetrate the hulls of battleships and other vessels and structures, and could open up to deploy battle droids, such as AQ-series battle droids, from deployment racks.

Its observation portals could be breached by blaster spears, and despite being equipped with deflector shields, they could be destroyed by a single hit from a missile launcher. The interior of the vessel could be adapted to become submerged, although if not adapted, a breach of the observation portals could haywire systems, resulting in interior explosions that could send the vessel out of control.

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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