
R4-P17 was manufactured by Industrial Automaton sometime prior to the Clone Wars. A model of the R4-P sub-line of the R4 astromech, the feminine astromech droid accompanied Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to Kamino and Geonosis as the Jedi sought to uncover the mysteries behind the assassination attempts on Naboo senator Padmé Amidala that occurred on the galactic capital Coruscant.


Teth was a jungle planet located in Wild Space. At some point, the world was inhabited by the B'omarr Order. However, by the time of the Clone Wars, their castles were abandoned, though some would be converted by the Hutts into formidable strongholds. Some distance from the B'omarr monasteries and the Tomb of Ziro the Hutt's father, an area of mysterious rock formations could be found on the surface of Teth.