1138 was a human stormtrooper who served in the military forces of the First Order decades after the Galactic Civil War.
Tag: TFW
KT-Series Power Droid
The KT-Series power droid was a model of power droid utilized on the planet Jakku. One such droid was named KT-310.
R2-KT was a compassionate, pink-plated R2 series astromech droid with feminine programming who witnessed the rise and fall of numerous galactic powers. Serving in the Galactic Republic through the Clone Wars, R2-KT eventually came into the service of Leia Organa's Resistance several decades later during their war against the First Order.
<< Previous Page Name: C-3PO (As of The Last Jedi)Type: Cybot Galactica 3PO Human-Cyborg Relations DroidDegree: 3rd DegreeClass: Protocol DroidSensor Color: YellowPlating Color: GoldGender: MasculinePersonality Module: Complex DEXTERITY 2DDodge 5D+2 KNOWLEDGE 5D+2Alien species 11D+1Bureaucracy 10D+2Cultures 10DLanguages 12D+1Planetary Systems 11DSurvival 6D+2Value 6D+2 MECHANICAL 3DRepulsorlift Operation 4D+2 PERCEPTION 3D+1Bargain 8DCon 6DHide 5D+1Sneak 5D+1 STRENGTH 2D TECHNICAL 3DFirst […]
Poe Dameron (TFA)
Poe Dameron was a human male who originally served as a member of the Spice Runners of Kijimi, before becoming a pilot in the New Republic and eventually joining the Resistance, rising to become acting General of the Resistance, during its conflict and subsequent war with the First Order.