Desrini Plagued by Dianogass DESRINI DISCTRICT, CORUSCANT – Compounding the Desrini District’s hardships following last month’s refuse cannon misfire, the growing garbage pile up in the lower levels has attracted huge numbers of dianogas. Health and civic officials have confirmed that at least 25 of the district’s homeless population have been attacked and killed by […]

Judicial Fired for Complaints of Species-Bias JUDICIAL ARCOLOGY, CORUSCANT – Personnel Director Lanyss Gutierrace was suspended today from the Judicial Department upon discovery of anti-alien bias in her hiring practices. “Our investigations have indicated that the claims against Director Gutierrace are valid, and we will re-review all applicants that were turned away solely on the […]

Senator Farr Named to Loyalist Committee GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT – A month ago, few would have ever expected to see Senator Onaconda Farr on one of Palpatine’s closest committees, so outspoken against the Supreme Chancellor is the Rodian politician. His appointment to the Loyalist Committee was announced this morning; Farr replaces Senator Havriso Looruya (Yir […]

IBC Denies Arming Separatists PHELAR, ERIADU – A detained bulk freighter destined for the Separatist world of Praesitlyn was found to contain a gross of InterGalactic Banking Clan hailfire droids, revealed Eriadu customs agents. “The independent starship Tandleroff’s Trove was passing through Phelar port for Sluissi space when it was flagged by the attentive eyes of Eriadu […]

Anti-War Rally Dispersed by Senate Guard SENATE ROTUNDA, CORUSCANT – Large scale rioting was narrowly averted today as the Republic’s Senate Guard was forced to disperse the growing crowds clustering at the entrances of the Senate Rotunda, provoking further agitation from the assembled protestors. Thirty-eight protestors were arrested, with four of them having to be […]