Healthy Vacation Claims Disputed BAILEE, COLUMUS – The latest marketing campaign from the Columus Tourism Board has come under fire from health officials. The program extols the health benefits of Columus’ low-gravity environment to severely overweight beings, including increased mobility and reduced strain on the heart(s) and feet. “The Columi may be smart, but they […]

Salliche Ag Sues Dasobo Meats for Gornt Copying LESWAN, YULANT – The Salliche Ag corporation is suing Dasobo Meats, a regional food distributor, for intellectual property theft when analysis of Dasobo product revealed it to be of Salliche origin. A nanoscopic analysis of a five-pack of Dasobo’s Finest Gornt Cutlets revealed Salliche genetic branding. “Somehow, […]

100 Metric Tons of Ryll Seized BAGGADO, KARNST – Earlier this week Jedi and Judiciary forces seized approximately 100 metric tons of illegal ryll spice with the impounding of the light freighter Moulee-rah Patogga in the Karstaxon Regions, and are now beginning an investigation into the source of the illicit narcotic. The freighter, registered to the Besadii […]

Coco District Jailbreak Alert COCO DISTRICT, CORUSCANT – The Coco District Constabulary have issued a general alert to the public following the escape of three criminals from the Moderate Security Ward of the Coco Penitentiary this morning. The three convicts escaped aboard a supply truck servicing the penitentiary’s laundry wing. While none were arrested for […]