Augara "Augie" Jowil was a young female Otolla Gungan musikagung who led the Great Municipal Band during the Republic Classic era. Hailing from the Lianorm Swamp on her homeworld of Naboo, Jowil was sent by her parents to study under famous musician Beezar Pert in the city of Otoh Gunga.
Tag: The Phantom Menace
The Triffians were a species of sentient humanoids characterized by furry bodies and large, triangle-shaped appendages, called thermoregulator flaps, that protruded from the shoulders and helped regulate body temperature.
6369 was a B1-series battle droid that served in the Trade Federation Droid Army. During the Naboo Crisis, 6369 was assigned to guard the entrance to the Theed Royal Palace throne room.
Tey How
Tey How was a Neimoidian female who served as a battleship pilot for the Trade Federation during its blockade and subsequent invasion of the planet Naboo.
2714 was a B1-series battle droid that served in the Trade Federation Droid Army. During the Naboo Crisis, 2714 fought against the Gungan Grand Army at the Great Grass Plains.
2391 was the designation of an OOM-series security droid that served in the Trade Federation's Droid Army.
Lutin Hollis
Lutin Hollis was a male human who served as a pilot in the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps.
OOM-Series Security Droid
OOM-series security droids, also known as security battle droids, Specialist Droids, or B1 security droids, were part of the OOM-series line and a type of security droid manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata for the Trade Federation Droid Army, and later used in the Separatist Droid Army. They were distinguished from other droids by the red markings on their bodies.