Sepan Civil War Escalates SEPAN SECTOR NODE – Despite the best efforts of Jedi negotiators, the hostilities between the worlds of Dimok and Ripoblus have resumed. The decades-long civil war came to a month-long standstill during negotiations headed by Jedi Knights Empatojayos Brand, Bultar Swan and Chellemi Chuovvick. Upon the Jedi’s return to Coruscant, the […]

Missing Starship Search Abandoned MODDELL SECTOR NODE – The massive four-year rescue effort for Salek Weet has been called off following the bankruptcy filing of his father, renowned kloo horn soloist Jimke Weet.“I know that Salek is still alive somewhere,” wept Jimke. “If anyone has any information, or any of my fans are willing to […]

Weequay/Houk Arraignment End in Violence JUDICIAL ARCOLOGY, CORUSCANT – The first in a series of arraignments for offenders arrested in this month’s Eastport gang brawl between Houks and Weequay immigrants ended in violence. At a Judicial Hearing Chamber Y-76 the accused, 22-year-old Ker-Zakk and 23-year-old Egome Fass overpowered bailiffs and began fighting. After security stunned […]

Study: Pollution Standards Still Endanger Many CORUSCANT NODE – Vors, Shashay, and Chadra-Fan are among the 10 species labeled as “at risk” of disease from air pollution that Coruscant planetary standards fail to account for, according to a study released today.In an examination of Coruscant middle-class districts conducted by the Rhire Medical Academy, findings indicated […]

House of Tagge Sides with Loyalists UNLOS TAGGE, TEPASI – Baroness Sanya Tagge, leader of the House of Tagge family of nobles, reaffirmed her family’s loyalty to the Republic in an address to the people of Tepasi, the Tagge throneworld.“For generations, the name Tagge has been synonymous with that of the Republic, as the blood […]

Senator Dod in Five-Speeder Skylane Accident FOBOSI DISTRICT, CORUSCANT – After an early morning skyway traffic accident, six injured commuters were rushed to medcenter today, including Trade Federation Senate Representative, Lott Dod. The cause of the accident has been identified as a malfunctioning automated pubtrans flitter that went the wrong direction down skylane T-534D. Commuters […]

Sluis Sector Secedes; Seswenna Restates Loyalty OUTER RIM NODE – With the transmission of Articles of Secession to the Senate, Senator Corlissi Ludar made formal the withdrawal of the Sluis sector from the Republic. Neighboring Seswenna sector representative Senator Shayla Paige-Tarkin responded with an adamant assertion of her sector’s loyalty to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The […]

Jedi Smash Iridium Pirates; 3 Knights Killed ATRIVIS SECTOR NODE – Sensor reports from the Atrivis sector issued by the Judicial Department confirm that a Jedi task force has thrashed the space pirates of Iridium, bringing an end to their year-long raids along the Atrivis sector routes. The pirates had been raiding Republic grain and […]

Alderaan Opens to Refugee Relief Movement Valorum Lends Hand CHIANAR, ALDERAAN – Former Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum rolled up his shirt sleeves and grabbed a power-shovel, breaking soil and chipping in as the Refugee Relief Movement began transforming 100 hectares of donated Alderaanian plains into new homes. “It’s the spirit of helping one another that […]