The T-wing interceptor was an interceptor originally designed to replace the A-wing. Unfortunately for the Rebellion, the end result turned out to be a poor replacement for the craft.
Tag: starfighters
The K-wing assault starfighter was produced by Koensayr Manufacturing, the same company responsible for producing the venerable Y-wing.
The BTS-A2 Long-Range Strike Fighter/Bomber (Rebel Alliance designation H-Wing) was an addition to Rebel fighter wings manufactured by Koensayr Manufacturing, a company made famous for their rugged Y-Wing starfighters.
E-Wing /C
The E-wing type C was created as powerful offensive bomber in tactical situations. The hyperdrives was removed and the wings elongated slightly to allow room for ordinance “hardpoints” to carry various payloads of warheads.
E-Wing /B
Once the Rebel Alliance depended upon preying on unarmed Imperial shipments. Now, the situation is reversed.
he D-Wing Space Superiority Fighter, nicknamed Phoenix, was designed by Elhon Tay of Tay Industries to be a break from the traditional design of most Imperial starfighters due to the fact that many in the Empire had found flaws with the standard TIE/LN starfighters.
The C-wing was a starfighter designed to be piloted by a single person with an optional gunner and room for two passengers.
B-wing MKIII
In 35 ABY, the Resistance used a type of B-wing during the First Order–Resistance war. At least six were present at the Battle of Exegol, including three flown by Colonel Aftab Ackbar, Enanan Supa and Pattros Navesh. One was shot down by ion cannon fire shortly after the Resistance forces exited hyperspace into the skies of Exegol.
A-Wing RZ-1 Interceptor
The A-wing RZ-1 starfighter was designed by General Jan Dodonna and Rebel engineer Walex Blissex. The A-wing RZ-1 was developed to fill the Rebel Alliance’s need for fast-moving, maneuverable interceptors.