Whie Malreaux was a member of the Jedi Order prior to the rise of the Galactic Empire. He lived during the last years of the Galactic Republic, an era defined by a growing secessionist movement that culminated in the galaxy-wide civil war known as the Clone Wars.
Cin Drallig
Cin Drallig was a Force-sensitive human male Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order as Battlemaster and Chief of Security of the Jedi Temple during the Clone Wars.
Galactic City
Galactic City, was the name of the dense ecumenopolis that covered the surface levels of the planet Coruscant.
Chian was a male Kajain'sa'Nikto Jedi Initiate enrolled in the Coruscant Jedi Temple's academy during the final decade of the Galactic Republic.
CR70 Corvette
The CR70 corvette was a predecessor of the CR90 corvette, produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation.
Belbullab-22 Heavy Starfighter
The Belbullab-22 heavy starfighter was a single-pilot heavy starfighter model manufactured by Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies. It was the heaviest fighter in the Confederacy of Independent Systems naval forces during the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic and the only fighter crewed by a pilot.
Kallidahin (Polis Massans)
The Kallidahin were a species of humanoids that lacked facial features. Although they originated on Kallidah, they also established their presence in the asteroid field of Polis Massa, and they came to be known as Polis Massans.
Plo Koon’s Lightsaber
Plo Koon's lightsaber was the personal blue-bladed lightsaber of Jedi Council member Master Plo Koon. He used it during many campaigns in the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The design of Koon's lightsaber was quite common among Jedi who saw themselves as sentinels.
J-type Star Skiff
The J-type star skiff (sometimes called the Naboo star skiff) was a yacht starship created by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the Royal House of Naboo.
Geonosis, referred to as Geonosia by some natives, and known as Genosha, was the desert home planet of the Geonosians. It was the Confederacy of Independent Systems' first capital and hosted its major battle droid foundries.