The Tostonian were a species which were sentient, bipedal, fish-like and resided within the galaxy. The Tostonian had big, round black eyes and a motted pink skin.
Tag: OWK
Obi-Wan’s Datapad
Obi-Wan kept a small personal datapad when he went into exile on Tatooine. When Mercenaries sent by the Third Sister Reva kidnapped Leia Organa he used his datapad to track their ship to Daiyu.
Nyche Horn
Corran and his mother were on the planet Daiyu and desperately needed to get out as Corran's Force-sensitivity put him in danger.
1-JAC was a droid that was active during the reign of the Galactic Empire. In 9 BBY, 1-JAC fired two blaster pistols at the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi whilst present on the world Daiyu.
Tala Durith
A human female Imperial officer stationed on Mapuzo. While initially joining the Galactic Empire to try and make a difference for good, she becomes disillusioned and eventually sees it for the tyranny it really is.
Obi Wan Kenobi – S01E01 – Part I
When agents of the Empire pose a new threat, Obi-Wan Kenobi emerges after years of hiding.
Grand Inquisitor (OWK)
Grand Inquisitor, also known as Master of the Inquisitorius, was a title used by the highest-ranking Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire.
Reva / Third Sister
The Third Sister, also known as Reva, was a Force-sensitive human female who served the Galactic Empire as a member of the Inquisitorius during the Imperial Era.
Leia Organa (OWK)
Pricness Leia Organa was a Force-sensitive human female who grew uop to be a political and military leader who served in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Imperial Era and the New Republic and Resistance in the subsequent New Republic Era.
Niano Organa
Niano Organa was the son of Duke Kayo Organa and Duchess Celly Organa, and cousin of Princess Leia Organa.