Ikopis were a mammalian species of non-sentient, long-legged herbivores that could be found on the grass plains and turf of the planet Naboo.
Tag: creatures
Luggabeasts were a non-sentient quadruped species that lived in the galaxy. They were found on frontier worlds, their masks were fused permanently onto their faces, and mechanical invasive systems enhanced their durability and working capabilities to well beyond their natural abilities. They did not require food or water, as nutrients were fed directly into them via wires.
Living in the murky waters of swamp-covered planets such as Dagobah and Nal Hutta, the dragonsnakes were large serpent like beasts with sharp fangs. Although voracious, they were incapable of digesting metal.
A stationary, non-sentient creature that originated from Umbara. The vixus had tentacles that looked like harmless vines that it would use to ensnare victims and draw them into its toothy mouth, which had a long grasping tongue shaped like a three-pronged claw.
Bluevev Glider
The bluevev glider was a species of large blue fish found in the oceans of the planet Corellia, where they could be purchased in Coronet City's fishmarkets.
Muk Muk Monkey
Muk Muk Monkey was a yellow Kowakian monkey-lizard with purple hair, who accompanied two Weequays living on Coruscant.
Brain Worm
Brain worms were a species of parasitic worm from the planet Geonosis which were capable of entering the body of a host and taking control of it and had the potential to control entire societies.