Tusken Raiders, less formally referred to as Sand People or simply as Tuskens, were a culture of nomadic, primitive sentients indigenous to the desert planet Tatooine, where they were often hostile to local settlers. Tusken children were called Uli-ah.
Tag: A New Hope
Scurriers were a species of small non-sentient creatures that hailed from the desert planet of Tatooine. They were characterized by their long ears, distinctive snout, and skittish temperament.
Rugged reptillian lizards native to the deserts of Tatooine, dewbacks were able to withstand the heat of the world's binary suns, as well as the dust that caused mechanical breakdowns in high-tech conveyances.
To say that Tatooine is far from the galactic mainstream is an understatement bordering on the ludicrous. While Tatooine is easy to get to, there are very few reasons to actually go there.
The Death Star (DS-1)
A Death Star was a gargantuan space station armed with a planet-destroying superlaser.
Jawa Sandcrawler
Sandcrawlers, originally called digger crawlers, were huge mobile fortresses used by the Jawas as their transport and shelter in the deserts of Tatooine and Arvala-7.
Chewbacca (ANH)
Chewbacca, known affectionately to his friends as Chewie, was a Wookiee male warrior, smuggler, mechanic, pilot, and resistance fighter who fought in the Clone Wars, the Galactic Civil War, and the conflict and subsequent war between the First Order and the Resistance.
Leia Organa (ANH)
<< Previous Page Name: Leia Organa (As of the Battle of Yavin) Type: SenatorHomeworld: AlderaanBorn: 19 BBY (981 GC)Died: 35 ABY (1035 GC)Species: HumanGender: FemaleHeight: 1.5 metersWeight: 51 kilogramsHair color: BrownEye color: BrownSkin color: Light DEXTERITY 3DBlaster: 5D Brawling Parry: 4D Dodge: 6D Grenade 4DMelee Combat: 5D Melee Parry: 4D Running: 4DVehicle Blasters: 4D KNOWLEDGE 4DAlien Species: 7D Bureaucracy: 8D Cultures: 8D […]
Luke Skywalker (ANH)
<< Previous Page Name: Luke Skywalker (As of the Battle of Yavin)Type: Brash PilotSpecies: HumanHomeworld: TatooineGender: MaleBorn: 19 BBY (981 GC)Died: 34 ABY (1034 GC)Hair Color: BlondeEye Color: BlueHeight: 1.72 metersWeight: 73 kgSkin: Light DEXTERITY 3D Blaster 6D Brawling parry 4D Dodge 6D Lightsaber 4D+l Melee combat 4D Melee parry 5D KNOWLEDGE 2D Alien species 3D Bureaucracy 2D+2 Streetwise 2D+l Survival 6D Value 4D MECHANICAL […]