Gran were a sentient humanoid species native to the planet Kinyen, but had colonies on many worlds such as Malastare, Hok, and Varkana.
Tag: A New Hope
Red Five
Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 flew a T-65B X-wing starfighter dubbed Red Five in the Battle of Yavin.
C1 Comlink
The C1 personal comlink was a standard model of comlink produced by SoroSuub Corporation and used by the Galactic Empire. When Luke Skywalker rescued Princess Leia Organa from the cells of the first Death Star, he kept in contact with the protocol droid C-3PO via a C1 personal comlink.
Devaronians were a sentient species from the planet Devaron. They exhibited great sexual dimorphism, with the males being bald and sporting horns, and the hornless females displaying a full head of hair. Cikatro Vizago, a crime lord on Lothal and the leader of the Broken Horn Syndicate, was a male Devaronian.
Jawa Ionization Blaster
Jawa ionization blasters were built by the Jawas who lived on Tatooine to capture droids. The guns themselves were cobbled together from whatever scrap the Jawas could scavenge. The gun was made of a blaster rifle stripped down to its power pack, and then had its components replaced with an ion accelerator which was created using a droid restraining bolt and an accu-accelerator from a capital ship ignition system.
GNK Power Droid
The GNK-series power droid, also known as the Gonk droid, was a type of well-known power droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton that used binary codes.
Hutts were a large slug-like sentient species who were native to the planet Nal Hutta. They were well known as galactic gangsters whose Grand Hutt Council controlled the Hutt Clan crime syndicate. One famous Hutt was the crime lord Jabba, who ruled a massive criminal empire from his palace on Tatooine.
WED 15 Treadwell Droid
The WED-15 Treadwell was a small model of WED Treadwell repair droid produced by Cybot Galactica as a multi-purpose repair unit.
T-16 Skyhopper
T-16 skyhoppers were personal repulsorlift airspeeders manufactured by Incom Corporation, recognizable by its distinctive tri-wing design.
Tusken Raider (Sandpeople)
Tusken Raiders, less formally referred to as Sand People or simply as Tuskens, were a culture of nomadic, primitive sentients indigenous to the desert planet Tatooine, where they were often hostile to local settlers. Tusken children were called Uli-ah.