New Galaxy’s Fastest Hexaped
PYRE FOLAS, TEYR – An event always filled with excitement, flash, and controversy, the annual “Mobquet Presents: Fastest Land Beings” meet delivered yet another land-speed record this year. Yopaxtul, a Vratix from Thyferra, broke the six-legged 100-meter record with a time of 6.132 seconds.

Pumav (Selonia) repeated as quadruped champion, also placing 7th in the biped race. Newcomer Jomo (Yoberra) was victorious in the octoped category, and the decaped-plus final was a holocam finish with Shimer Londalin (Ruuria, 16 legs) edging out Mogoyu (Rakrir, ten legs).
The prestigious biped title was awarded under protest to a late entrant of unknown origins. Space-farer Tuner Ryna entered the furry being with pointy ears who “just showed up one day” aboard his ship. “He calls himself Yeep,” Ryna explained. “I don’t know if that’s his name, his species, or the word for his chest.” The judges deemed Yeep to be “adequately sentient” after easily out-distancing the field with a flash of speed.