Sunday, July 7, 2024
HoloNet News

Kashyyyk / Trandoshan Talks Break Down

HSSKHOR, TRANDOSHA – The Kashyyyk / Trandoshan peace negotiations disintegrated today when word reached Wookiee delegates that a Trandoshan initiative for Senate representation was being aided by the Trade Federation.

Crovessk, CEO of Trandosha’s Revessa Global Shipping, was able to schedule an appeal to the Senate next month through contacts with Trade Federation Representative Lott Dod. The Trandoshans have been petitioning for Senate representation for years.

Upon hearing of this development, Senator Yarua not only withdrew his delegation but violently destroyed the interpreter droid translating the talks. “These meetings are meaningless if such actions can go on outside this conference,” was all the terse Yarua shared with reporters on his way back to the Hsskhor spaceport.

Despite his efforts, Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis was unable to reconvene the delegates. The Wookiees departed aboard their starship, returning to neighboring Kashyyyk. The Wookiees, who represent the system in the Senate, have been restricting trade to Trandosha for the past five weeks following a Trandoshan attack on a Wookiee passenger shuttle.

Camaasi and Alderaanian peace officers led by Rancisis have been trying to work out a solution between the feuding neighbors for two weeks. Given the growing Separatist-fueled crises along the Outer Rim, unsubstantiated reports indicate that Rancisis may be recalled by the Jedi Council and reassigned, leaving the talks to the remaining peace officers.

Many political analysts believe this already tense situation will be exacerbated by the Outer Rim slave ring scandal. “Given the Wookiee temperament, this may be the final insult and all the reason they need to withdraw from a disrespectful Republic altogether. Wookiees are renowned for their loyalty, but that loyalty will only extend so far,” said Senator Darsana (Glee Anselm).

PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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