Ansion was a planet located in the galaxy's Mid Rim. A border dispute occurred on Ansion during the Separatist Crisis, which, along with turmoil on the planet Ando, was enough to stagger the galaxy.
Category: Locations
Aq Vetina
Aq Vetina was a settlement inhabited by a number of humans. During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems attacked the settlement, killing the population.
Maldo Kreis
Maldo Kreis was a terrestrial ice-covered planet located in the Outer Rim Territories where ravinaks lived below the surface. Locations such as a bar and a port were found on the surface.
Arvala-7 was a remote desert planet with a barren, rocky surface and breathable atmosphere. During the New Republic Era, it was home to the Ugnaught Kuiil, who lived on a moisture farm with his blurrg.
Nevarro was a volcanic planet located in a sector of the Outer Rim Territories. A city on Nevarro was home to a number of various individuals, including the Bounty Hunters' Guild, who were based out of a cantina on the planet.
The Algnadesh system was a star system that was a part of the Rifle Worlds, an area of the Hapes Cluster located within the Inner Rim and the Slice regions.
Alee was a primarily agricultural world located in the Alee system, a part of Hutt Space in the Slice.