Sunday, July 7, 2024

It’s hard to tell just what the “Deluxe” in the Mobquet A-1 Deluxe refers to. In an industry where the luxury slice of the consumer pie is quickly being gobbled by SoroSuub, Incom and zZip Motor Concepts, Mobquet Swoops and Speeders have decided to think cheap. The results are, well, on-target.
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Mass Aqualish Exodus Expected
Freespan Starlanes Transport has announced plans to double the number of scheduled liner departures for Ando, predicting increased travel from Andoan expatriates wishing to return. Full Story >>

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The Stark Veteran Assembly has publicly criticized Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala for statements attributed to her during a Peace Rally on Commenor. Full Story >>

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A Closer Look
1. Carving the Republic: The Real Story of Count Dooku, Andevor Javin
2. The Lost Twenty: Dooku’s Rise (Unauthorized), Professor H. Hrush
3. Warm Thoughts for Invertebrates, Dxulininan 4. Kholemi Elaru, Patijak Sonn
5. Night Mynock, Roger Farnostar

Quick Poll
Could the Ando separation have been prevented?
Yes 22 %
No 78 %

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