After a comet damages their shuttle, R2-D2, Colonel Gascon, and the other droids crash on a desolate planet where they must make their way across a bewildering expanse of emptiness to carry out their mission.
Month: July 2023
 Shyyyo Bird
The shyyyo bird was a rare species of massive blue-blooded bird native to the planet Kashyyyk. Sightings of shyyyo birds were extremely rare, and the creatures were once thought to be legends.
Cere Junda
Cere Junda, a Force-sensitive human female, was a Jedi Master, who mentored Padawan Cal Kestis in the ways of the Force during the rise of the Galactic Empire.
Finis Valorum
Finis Valorum was a human male politician from House Valorum who served as the penultimate Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.
Ratts Tyerell
Ratts Tyerell was an Aleena podracer pilot who flew a massive podracer during the Boonta Eve Classic podrace which took place during the Invasion of Naboo. Tyerell had the drive to beat the reigning champion, the Dug, Sebulba.
The Imperial Grand Admirals
Appointed unexpectedly by Emperor Palpatine at the New Year Fete Week celebrations of 2 BBY, the twelve Grand Admirals were the most senior officers of the Imperial Navy and answered directly to the Emperor, or his authorized executors, in all matters. The creation of the rank was widely recognized as a means to increase the Emperor's direct control of the Imperial Military.
Weeteef Cyu-Bee
Weeteef Cyu-Bee was a male Talpini who served as one of the most destructive members of Saw Gerrera's Partisans on Jedha. The diminutive Talpini could hide easily among the taller beings that congregated in the Holy city.
Datchi Creel
Datchi Creel was a Rebel pilot who flew as Gold Eight in Gold Squadron around the time of the Battle of Scarif.