Weeteef Cyu-Bee
Name: Weeteef Cyu-Bee
Type: Explosives Expert
Species: Talpini
Homeworld: Tal Pi
Gender: Male
Born: —
Died: —
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 0.8m
Weight: —
Skin: Light
Blaster: 5D+2
Blaster: Blaster Rifle 6D+2
Dodge: 4D+2
Grenade: 4D+2
Streetwise: 4D+2
Survival: 4D
Hide: 5D
Search: 4D
Sneak: 5D+2
Blaster Repair: 5D+2
Demolitions: 6D+1
Demolitions: Sticky Bombs 7D
Special Abilities:
Inconspicuous: Because of their short stature, the Talpini find it easy to move unseen while in large crowds. In game terms, Talpini gain a +1D bonus to sneak rolls when in crowded areas amongst taller beings.
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 4
Move: 6
Equipment: Bandolier and demolitions pack, modified “Tibanna-jacked” DH-17/E-11 blaster hybrid (5D+2 damage, range: 5-15/50/150, ammo: 75, Game Notes:
Although the addition of an external Tibanna gas chamber allows for increased power output, it normally comes at the expense of durability. However, the hybrid nature of this weapon reduces the wear that is normally associated with this modification, by replacing its reliance upon galven barrels with the use of routing systems from a DH-17’s secondary fire mode), tan jumpsuit, and various explosives.
Background: Weeteef Cyu-Bee was a male Talpini who served as one of the most destructive members of Saw Gerrera’s Partisans on Jedha. The diminutive Talpini could hide easily among the taller beings that congregated in the Holy city. A sniper, Cyu-Bee specialized in explosives and built the sticky bombs used against the Imperial patrols of AT-ST walkers and TX-225 assault tanks.
Appearances: Rogue One