Sunday, June 16, 2024

 Shyyyo Bird

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Species: Shyyyo Bird
Planet of Origin: Kashyyyk


Special Abilities:
Horns: STR+1D Damage.

Move: 30 (Flying), 10 (Ground)
Size: 18m
Scale: Walker

Background: The shyyyo bird was a rare species of massive blue-blooded bird native to the planet Kashyyyk. Sightings of shyyyo birds were extremely rare, and the creatures were once thought to be legends. The former Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis encountered a shyyyo bird on Kashyyyk, healing it after it became injured. The shyyyo bird later assisted Kestis, allowing him to fly to the top of the Origin Tree. Looking out from on top of the bird Cal noticed how little of Kashyyyk had been touched by the Galactic Empire. The bird was then attacked by the Ninth Sister, who proceeded to duel Kestis. After Kestis defeated the Ninth Sister, the shyyyo bird returned, apparently unharmed by the attack much to Kestis’ surprise and relief, which was carried by the bird back to the forest floor. Kestis took with him a feather from the shyyyo bird he found, which he hoped would bring him good luck.

Shyyyo birds were capable of gliding significant distances while using little energy due to their body shape and feathers. This efficiency meant that the average adult Shyyyo only needed to leave its nest to hunt once per week. The birds ate Slyyygs and Wyyyschokks, which meant they were perceived as protectors of Kashyyyk’s native Wookiees and Wroshyr trees. Sightings of the bird were known as being a guarantee of peace for the viewer.

Appearances: Jedi Fallen Order

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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