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Garven Dreis

Garven "Dave" Dreis, dubbed "Old Man" by the other pilots at Base One, was a male human and ace pilot from Virujansi who served as a commander in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. During the war, Dreis flew a T-65B X-wing starfighter as leader of Red Squadron in the Rebellion's support of Rogue One's incursion at the Battle of Scarif, and in the Rebellion's attack on the Galactic Empire's first Death Star in the Battle of Yavin. During the latter battle, he was killed by Darth Vader.

Davits Draven

Davits Draven was a human male who served as a general in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. He was stationed at the Great Temple on the moon Yavin 4 when Jyn Erso was given the task of stealing the Death Star plans by Mon Mothma, a leader of the Rebel Alliance. Extraction Team Bravo, the team responsible for Jyn's break out of a labor camp on the planet Wobani, was under Draven's command.