The 21st Nova Corps, also known as the Galactic Marines, was a prominent military unit of clone troopers noted for their unique armor and relentlessness in combat.
Month: May 2023
CT-0292, nicknamed "Vaughn," was a clone of the human Jango Fett who served as a Clone Captain within the 332nd Company, part of a division of the 501st Legion that was assigned to Clone Commander CT-7567 "Rex" and former Jedi Padawan and Advisor Ahsoka Tano.
Stun-web Shooter
A stun-web shooter was a weapon that could fire stun nets. The Separatist Admiral Trench had one built into the first of his cybernetic arms.
Decimator Droid
<< Previous Page Type: Baktoid Innovations Prototype S/D Decimator Droid Degree: Fourth Degree Class: Assassin Droid Sensor Color: Red Plating Color: Black Gender: Masculine Programming Personality Module: Simple DEXTERITY 1D Dodge: 2D KNOWLEDGE 1D Intimidation: 3D MECHANICAL 1D PERCEPTION 2D Hide: 3D Search: 3D STRENGTH 2D TECHNICAL 1D Energy Tentacles: 4D Equipped With: • Single […]
Stasis Chamber
Stasis chambers, also known as a stasis tank, were pods that placed an individual into suspended animation.
The Poletecs were a species of purple, red, and beige-skinned, lanky humanoids native to the planet Skako Minor. During the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Clone Captain Rex, and Clone Force 99 encountered the inhabitants of a Poletec village while on a mission to rescue their fellow clone trooper Echo.
Skako Minor
Skako Minor was the homeworld of the Poletec species. It was controlled by the Techno Union, whose headquarters was the city of Purkoll. Despite the Techno Union's ostensible neutrality, Skako Minor was captured by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, and its successor, the Galactic Empire, maintained the occupation into the Galactic Civil War.
D1-series Aerial Battle Droid
The D1-series aerial battle droid, also known as the D-wing air support droid, D-wing security droid or simply the D-wing droid, was a D1-series aerial battle droid and a variant of the B-series droid line.
The Clone Wars S05E05 Tipping Points
As a full-scale revolt embroils Onderon, the rebels strike a decisive blow against the planet's Separatist-aligned king. Unfortunately for the rebels, such victory comes at a high price.
The keeradaks were non-sentient creatures that were native to Skako Minor. Keeradaks had distinctive cries for help, which they used to communicate with one another.