A spade was a tool used for digging, though it could also double as an effective improvised weapon.
Month: February 2023
Vanguard Axis station
The Vanguard Axis station was a space station orbiting a planet with at least one moon.
Kinrath Netcaster
Kinraths were a species of giant arachnids that could be found in caves on the planets of Dantooine and Kashyyyk. In addition to being venomous, they were also capable of spinning webs.
Electrified Laser Blade
A number of electrified laser blades were used in Moralo Eval's Box, as part of the second challenge for the bounty hunters.
Mantu was a Selkath bounty hunter from the planet Manaan. He was one of his species' greatest legends, which was not a good thing when concerning the nature of his people.
Imperial Armored Assault Tank (IAAT)
Imperial Armored Assault Tanks (IAAT) were Imperial tanks used by Trandoshan hunting parties on the planet Kashyyyk to wipe out numerous Wookiee villages.
Mylaya were a type of huge cat-like beast with wide, telescoping ears. They were fur-covered quadrupeds with thin tails that had bushy fur along the end portion of their length.
Axis Leader
A GD16-series Pilot Droid served as an Axis Leader in charge of Vanguard Station during the Imperial Era. In 18 BBY the Bad Batch met with the droid to purchase Imperial Chain Codes.
Otua Blank
A disgustingly indulgent Belugan alien, Lord Otua Blank ruled the small planet of Quarzite with an iron fist.
DLT-18 Heavy Blaster Rifle
The DLT-18 heavy blaster rifle was a model of heavy blaster rifle manufactured by BlasTech Industries. The human bounty hunter Dengar carried a DTL-18 during the Clone Wars.