Industrial Automaton's V1 pilot droids were the first model in their V-series pilot droid line. Like other pilot droids, they were designed to supplement or replace biological pilots for starships.
Month: July 2022
Swarm-Class Battle Droid
The Swarm-class battle droid was the Ssi-ruuk equivalent to a starfighter. Swarm-class droids were about two meters long, making them some of the smallest known starfighters.
Trella Bare’Ah
Trella Bare'Ah was a female Twi'lek who worked as a dancer and was romantically involved with the Rodian bounty hunter Greedo during the Clone Wars.
Tanivos Exantor Divo
Tanivos Exantor Divo, more commonly known as Tan Divo, was a human male police inspector who served as a lieutenant in the Coruscant Security Force during the final decades of the Galactic Republic and in the early years of the Galactic Empire.
Supa Fighter
The Supa Fighter was manufactured by Joraan Drive Systems for the Black Sun criminal organization during the height of the New Order. A large fighter with decent armament, the Supa Fighter was slower than an X-wing but more maneuverable.
Rabé Tonsort
Rabé Tonsort, also known simply as Rabé, and born as Rabene Tonsort, was a female human who served as one of Queen Amidala's handmaidens during the last years of the Galactic Republic.
S19 Astromech Droid
The S19 astromech droid was a droid designed by LesTech to attempt a foray into the lucrative astromech market.
StarViper-Class Attack Platform
The StarViper-class attack platform was a model of heavy attack starfighter manufactured by a subdivision of MandalMotors called Mandal Hypernautics.
Ben Quadinaros
Ben Quadinaros was an inexperienced Toong podracer pilot who raced on the amateur circuits before entering the Boonta Eve Classic podrace on the planet Tatooine in 32 BBY.
Q7 Atromech Droid
The Q7-series astromech droid was a model of spherical astromech droid that featured a dome resembling that of R2 and R4-P astromechs.