Carida Backs Military Creation Act SPINARA PLATEAU, CARIDA – Caridan government representatives have joined the Military Creation Act campaigning, offering their renowned academic institutions for Republic use should an army be created. “The Academy of Carida has produced some of the finest Planetary Security Forces in the Republic and was born of the last great […]
Month: August 2003
Abrion Sector Secedes; Separatists Get Agri-Worlds SASHASA, UKIO – In an alarming development that pushes the Separatist movement closer to self-sufficiency, the agriculturally rich worlds of the Abrion sector have withdrawn from the Republic. “The ag producers of the Abrion have lived for decades with few options and limited control of the goods we provide. […]
Mid Rim Worlds Open Ports to RefugeesNaboo, Monastery, Cerea, and Kalarba Ease Immigration Restrictions THEED, NABOO – The displaced citizenry of the Separatist crisis has newfound options today as a coalition of 10 worlds in the Mid Rim have loosened immigration restrictions to allow refugee resettlement. “Our world is generous with uninhabited lands that we […]