Propaganda Prompts Rimma HoloNet Blackout SESWENNA SECTOR NODE – To stem a tide of anti-Republic rhetoric and propaganda flowing from up the Rimma Trade Route from the Sluis sector, Republic intelligence agencies approved the shutdown of the Sluis sector HoloNet node. Neighboring Mayagil and Seswenna sectors have been inundated with pro-secessionist propaganda through public HoloNet […]
Month: August 2003
Mining Guild to Fine Exarga ZOGOTO, EXARGA – Despite repeated assurances that they do not know who authorized the strip-mining of a doonium-rich asteroid belt in their sector, the Exargan Mining Authority has been fined for failure to disclose revenue to the Mining Guild. The Outer Rim world administers a rich asteroid belt deep within […]
Rodian Campaigning Mixes Drama & Politics By Drama Editor Korvit Domesa7.5 out of 10 The Trickery of Vosdia NoomaStarring Chooru Delb, Beata Reesh, Deebo Chak, Huruni Hune, and Fosin Dreed as the PaladinDirected by Hishinu BoojWritten by Hishinu Booj, Ruris Plin, and Onaconda Farr Politicians can often be accused of being dramatic in their rhetoric, […]
Palpatine Health Rumors Denied CORE NODE – Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is in excellent health, and has no plans to take an extended vacation before the Military Creation Act vote, said one of the Chancellor’s closest aides today. Sate Pestage, the personal advisor to Palpatine, addressed the latest rumors regarding the Chancellor’s health. “If he looks […]
GSBI Officer Warns of Conspiracy GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT – “Someone in the Republic government is going to great lengths to hide something,” alleged Senior Senate Bureau of Intelligence official Vyn Narcassan in a regular media briefing. During increased surveillance of anti-Republic factions, Narcassan claims to have uncovered a communications channel that directly bypassed “even the […]
Gotal Guerillas Hijack Commuter Hopper, Take Hostages SKREEKA, ATZERRI – Gotal guerillas hijacked an atmospheric commuter hopper with 25 passengers aboard, including Gotal Emissary Nathanjo Nirrelz, all to convince their neighboring homeworld of Antar 4 to secede.The guerillas, the Roshu Sune, are a militant splinter branch of the Gotal Assembly for Separation. The same radicals […]
Leisure Industry Suffers Record Losses ADMINIDOME, HOLOGRAM FUN WORLD – Last year, the queue for Hologram Fun World’s crowd-pleasing Anywhere Room attraction numbered thousands. Today, it is under 400 — a stark indicator of the economic hardships the galaxy’s leisure industry faces. “It’s been a very tough first quarter for us,” admits HFW Administrator Graekus […]
Circus Horrificus Turns Horrific KO HENTOTA, NAR SHADDAA – An illegal performance by the underground Circus Horrificus ended in chaos yesterday in the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa as a new, exotic beast showcased by the traveling troupe escaped and ran amuck. While performing within an immense ventilation nexus beneath the district of Ko Hentota, […]
Wan Approaches 50 in 50 PLAWAL DOME, BELSAVIS – In just his fourth season, Zegret Wan is chasing one of smashball’s most enduring record — 50 goals in 50 games. The Elom Ranphyx’s captain scored twice last night against the Belsavis Kretch, bringing his season total to 43 in the first 35 games. Wan already […]
Greyshade Proposes Gambling as Revenue SENATE ROTUNDA, CORUSCANT – Senator Simon Greyshade (Vorzyd) drew criticism with his motion to collect Republic tax revenue through government-subsidized casinos in his sector. “The casinos of Vorzyd generate billions of credits of profit, and right now, these monies are just being pocketed by private interests,” said Greyshade. “I should […]