Port Crowding Increases Virus Risks EASTPORT, CORUSCANT – With the co-meddling of hundreds of different cultures in confined spaces such as freighters and immigration processing stations, Coruscant Health Officials are warning travelers of the increased risk of airborne viral contamination. “The influx of so many different species into Coruscant has created a high-risk situation,” said […]

Ministry of Science Continues Hypermatter Studies MINISCI ARCOLOGY, CORUSCANT – A sizable grant from Republic Sienar Systems has allowed the Ministry of Science to continue its research into translational hypermatter energy applications. “Today, we use hypermatter reactions to power the largest of lightspeed drives, but there are millions of other uses just waiting to be […]

Senators Implicated in Slave Ring YRACTOS, GYNDINE – Recently disclosed documents and testimony from a captured Thalassian slaver on Gyndine have implicated four Outer Rim Senators as profiting from slaving ventures in their sectors. Senator Tikkes (Mon Calamari), Senator Bufus Ritsomas (Till Chorios), Senator Danry Ledwellow (Er’kit) and Senator Wuja Wojaine (Pydyr) were all implicated. […]