Episodes – Story – Characters – Starships – Vehicles – Planets – Aliens – Droids – Creatures – Equipment – Force Powers

“The Wild Aklyrr”
Helping Ansen Strung
The episode opens with four-legged green lizard with yellow spots fleeing as Jedi Initiates Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay and Nubs ride past on their dunnel steeds. The three ride towards Aklyrr Bend, a small town beside a river. As the Jedi and their dunnel steeds enter, the townsfolk including several DUM-series pit droids scatter. The three Jedi find Ansen Strung and ask if he needed help. Nubs draws his lightsaber. Strung explains that it is not an emergency but he called them because he needs help hunting for an antelope-like creature known as an Blue aklyrr.
Solay says that aklyrrs are really rare. Strung explains that his client wants to find the aklyrr and that he badly needs the reward money for making repairs to his starship. When Brightstar asks Strung if he has asked why his client is interested in the blue aklyrr, Strung said that the client mentioned that he would take the creature somewhere safe. Solay says that they should not take the creature from its natural habitat. Strung replies that the client said it would be happier there. While the Jedi are suspicious about the motives of Strung’s client, Stung admits that he needs the credits and points to the decrepit state of his starship.
Solay relents on the condition that the blue aklyrr is not harmed. When Strung asks for their help in the “great hunt,” Solay consults a datapad and finds that the town of Aklyrr Bend is named after the creatures. When Solay suggests asking a local, Nubs speaks to a brown-haired human man with a moustache who says blue aklyrr are hard to find. He adds that they like to feed on teega leaves by the southern clearing.
Hunt for the blue aklyrr
Strung leads the way to the southern clearing in his heavy speeder bike, which is equipped with a cage. The Jedi follow on their dunnels. Consulting the datapad, Solay says that blue aklyrrs build dens on the ground but are also good at hiding. The Jedi search the ground with Nubs looking under boulders. Brightstar finds a bitten teega leaf, which excites Strung, who contacts his mysterious client. Nubs and Brightstar think that Strung’s client really wants to bring the aklyrr to a safer place while Solay wishes that they knew more about Strung’s client.
The group move deeper into a grove full of teega plants. While searching under a teega plant, Nubs encounters the four-eye blue akylrr. The three Jedi and Strung attempt to capture the blue aklyrr but it leaps with its power legs. Strung fires energy nets at the aklyrr but they miss. The akylrr jumps onto a boulder before running it off. Solay comes with a plan to corner the aklyrr around boulders. The Jedi herd the aklyrr towards some boulders, allowing Strung to trap it under his energy net. Solay then leads the creature into the electrical cage while Nubs locks it.
The unscrupulous client
The jubilant Strung brings the blue aklyrr and the Jedi to a grassy plain where he has arranged to rendezvous with his client. Solay reassures the frightened aklyrr that the client will bring the creature to a better place. Shortly later, the client’s Draiven Bosh’s shuttlesleek, luxurious starship arrives. Draiven Bosh exits the shuttle’s gangplank. Solay is horrified to discover that the unscrupulous Bosh is Strung’s client and warns Strung that he only collects things for himself and doesn’t care if the animal is happy. Strung is conflicted but says that Bosh promised him a lot of credits which he badly needs.
Bosh is annoyed to see the three Jedi younglings here due to their past entanglements but insists on taking the blue aklyrr. Solay and her friends protest but the businessman reminds them that he had made a deal with Strung. Strung is uneasy and withdraws to consult with his Jedi friends. Strung says that he badly needs the money but Brightstar warns that Bosh only wants the creature because it is rare. Solay adds that it is wrong to remove animals from their natural habitat and home. Bosh begins to have second thoughts about his deal with Bosh.
Freeing the akylrr
Growing impatient, Bosh hurls a smoke bomb at the group and pushes the cage towards the ramp. He calls K-2PL and R4-13 to help him load the aklyrr’s cage aboard his shuttle. After Bosh reneges on their deal, Strung concludes that Bosh is not a good person. While Bosh boasts about obtaining an akylrr without having to pay Strung, Strung uses a rock to jam the landing ramp’s hydraulic mechanism. The Jedi and Strung board Bosh’s shuttle and confront him. Strung wears a pair of jet boots.
While the Jedi engage the droids, Strung faces down Bosh, who wields a large blade but drops it. Bosh attempts to bribe Strung by doubling the deal. However, Strung rejects the deal and instead frees the blue aklyrr from its cage. The aklyrr gallops off the ship, much to deny Bosh’s dismay. When Bosh demands that the Jedi unhand his droids, Solay forces him to promise not to hunt the blue aklyrr again. The businessman acquiesces and the Jedi release the droids. Strung backslaps Bosh before leaving. Bosh orders K-2PL and R4-13 to depart. However, they are delayed when the ramp breaks off.
The Jedi younglings recount their adventure to the townsfolk. Out of gratitude to Strung for freeing the blue aklyrr, the brown-haired human man says that the townsfolk will repair Strung’s ship for free. Strung thanks the townsfolk and Jedi. He also says that he will think twice about who he works for. When an alien townsfolk asks about what the blue aklyrr looked like, Solay says it was beautiful while Strung adds that it likes to eat teega leaves. The freed blue aklyrr watches from a hill above the settlement.
“Lys’ Lost Lightsaber”
The lightsaber demo
At Black Spire Outpost, Jedi Master Carver Drow leads a lightsaber demo with his Padawan Celesta Kami and Jedi Initiates Kai Brightstar. A small crowd of onlookers gathers. An orange-haired human girl named Sadie Bolter with a green toy lightsaber joins the crowd. An older purple-skinned Mirialan girl named Pak Relda blocks her from seeing the demo. Bolter climbs a stack of crates to watch the demonstration.
Brightstar, Solay and Nubs enjoy training with lightsaber forms while displaying their lightsaber skills. Bolter stands on top of the crate and mimics the Jedi’s lightsaber moves with her toy lightsaber. Relda mocks her by pointing out that she is not wielding a real lightsaber, which upsets Bolter. Reld then departs. Following the Jedi training demo, Kami and the Jedi younglings get Master Drow’s permission to get ronto wraps for snacks. Believing that she can be brave and stand up to Relda, Bolter decides to steal a lightsaber.
Stealing the lightsaber
After buying ronto wraps, the Jedi head back towards the Batuu Jedi temple. On the way, they visit a street animal stall. Solay stops to stroke a mammoth-like creature called a therii inside its pen. The Jedi also take an interest in other creatures being kept in cages including birds. While Solay is distracted with the therii, Bolter watches from a nearby crate. When the therii lunges for Solay’s ronto wrap, Solay is startled and her lightsaber falls from a holster. While Solay fawns over the therii, Bolter steals her lightsaber and retreats.
Kami compliments Solay for making a new friend while Brightstar notices that her lightsaber is missing. Solay is startled and regrets not being mindful of her lightsaber. As they exit the animal stall, Solay notices Bolter, who flees. Kami sends Brightstar and Nubs to inform Master Drow while she helps Soaly. Solay flees down a flight of stairs and runs through a crowded marketplace, darting through the legs of a Toong man. Bolter sneaks through a bloc of crates and flees down a sewer tunnel.
From thief to friend
Unable to find Bolter, Solay and Kami think that the girl has circled back and leave the square. Bolter climbs out of the manhole and activates Solay’s purple lightsaber. Pak Relda approaches Bolter, demanding that she hand it over to her. Bolter stands up to Relda, who reiterates her demand and towers over the younger girl. Bolter says that she won’t let Pak boss her around anymore. However, Relda snatches it from Bolter and walks away with the blade. While scanning the roof, Solay expresses her fear about losing her lightsaber. Kami comforts the younger girl and reassures her that it will be alright.
Solay soon spots a dejected Bolter leaving a building. The two Jedi girls corner and confront Bolter. Bolter apologizes for stealing Solay’s lightsaber. When Solay asks why she did it, Bolter says that she wanted to stand up to Pak Relda. When Kami asks who Pak is, Bolter says that she a thief who is always bossing her around. Bolter reveals that Relda took her lightsaber. She says that she thought she could be brave with a lightsaber but was wrong. Solay explains that a lightsaber doesn’t make a person brave and that real bravery comes from inside. Kami adds that people can choose to be brave. She then introduces herself as Padawan Celesta Kami before introducing Lys Solay. Sadie introduces herself and the three shake hands.
Standing up to a bully
Bolter reveals that Relda docks her ship at Docking Bay 7 and tells her that this might help them recover Solay’s lightsaber. After the Jedi leave, Bolter decides that she needs to help in order to atone for her actions. At Docking Bay 7, a spider droid services a green ship. Solay and Kami emerge from a hatch. They decide they have to get Solay’s lightsaber back before Relda can depart on her starship. Solay and Kami confront Relda and demand the return of Solay’s lightsaber. Relda instead dispatches her three spider droids, who are armed with buzz saws and other tools.
Kami uses the Force to hurl aside one of the droids and slashes through a second with her blue lightsaber. Solay uses her Force powers to flip onto a high wall and stop a droid with the Force. Bolter confronts Relda from a high wall while Solay crushes the spider droid she is fighting with. Bolter confronts Relda with her wooden green toy lightsaber. Relda draws Solay’s stolen lightsaber. Bolter is undeterred and decides to confront Relda with her blade, mimicking “sequence one” of the Jedi lightsaber move. Kami slices one of Bolter’s droids in half and hurls the third droid against a door.
Kami watches as Bolter faces down Relda. Solay is about to intervene but Kami tells the younger Jedi to let Bolter handle the situation. Relda lunges at Bolter with her lightsaber but Bolter dodges her moves while saying she is brave. When Relda goads her to take the stolen lightsaber, Bolter advances on her. She forces Relda to retreat with several strokes before knocking Lys’s lightsaber out of her hand. Solay retrieves the lightsaber. Together the two Jedi back Bolter up with their weapons while Bolter faces down Relda. Bolter says that she does not need a lightsaber to brave while Solay says that nobody is afraid of Pak. Outnumbered and outgunned, Relda renounces her claim to the stolen lightsaber and retreats aboard her starship.
Following Relda’s retreat, Kami praises Bolter for her courage. Kami later introduces Bolter as a friend to Master Drow, Brightstar, and Nubs. Brightstar recognizes Bolter as the lightsaber thief but Solay reassures them that Bolter is now their friend. Master Drow introduces himself to Sadie before departing for an experiment. Bolter hugs Solay before Bolter proceeds to tell the boys about their recent adventure.




Planets / Location



