Episodes – Story – Characters – Starships – Vehicles – Planets – Aliens – Droids – Creatures – Equipment – Force Powers

“The Missing Life Day Feast”
Sellaccc’s Nephew
The Ganguls’ cruiser Rathtar’s Revenge flies above the forests of the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. The Trandoshan pirate Sellaccc Orryak introduces Kashyyyk to her nephew Daynaal. When Daynaal asks Orryak why they are visiting Kashyyyk given her dislike for Wookiees, Orryak reminds him of the first pirate rule that pirates take whatever they want and they can do whatever they want. When Orryak reminds Daynaal that today is the Wookiee holiday Life Day which celebrates friends and family, her cousin replies that is nice. However, Orryak disparages Life Day as soft and vows to ruin the holiday before cackling with laughter.
Daynaal is visibly uncomfortable with his aunt’s malevolence. While Orryak disparages the Life Day cultural activities of feasting and gathering around trees, Jooro Jarrot adds that the pirates plan to ruin Life Day by stealing the feast and cutting down one of the Wookiees’ Life Day trees. Toda-Joh cackles. Orryak and her crew shoot down a Wookiee aircraft carrying supplies for a Life Day feast, causing it to crash-land into the jungle. The Wookiee pilot emerges from the canopy unscathed. Orryak gathers her nephew and her crew to travel down in a shuttle to plunder the aircraft. While Orryak is ecstatic, Daynaal is uncomfortable.
The missing brother
Meanwhile at a Wookiee village, the Jedi Initiates Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay and Nubs find their Wookiee friend Johgeshakka is waiting anxiously with her comlink. After Solay hugs Joh, she explains to her friends that Joh’s brother Rudi was supposed to return with food for their Life Day feast but she lost his signal. Nubs and Brightstar offer to help Joh find Rudi. Joh lends them her family’s speeder bikes.
Later, the three Jedi and Joh approach Rudy’s downed ship. At the site of the wrecked shuttle, Daynall loads crates full of foodstuffs onto a skiff connected to a speeder. Speaking via holoprojector, Orryak tells her nephew that they have imprisoned the Wookiee pilot aboard their shuttle. She says they are preparing to cut down the Life Day tree and tells him to hurry up with the supplies. Following the conversation, Daynall is confronted by Solay and her friends, who demand to know where Rudi is. Daynall flees on his speeder bike and skiff.
The Jedi and Joh pursue Rudy on their speeder bikes. Daynall’s skiff collides with a log, causing it to break free of his speeder bike. Various fruits including blue and yellow and red fruits rain on the forest floor. The Jedi use their training lightsabers to deflect the falling fruits. Nubs swallows one of the yellow and red fruits whole. Daynall fishtails through the tree and reaches the Ganguls’ landing site, where the pirates unload foods and crates into a big pile. Daynall swerves to avoid several parked speeder bikes and crashes into a stack of crates containing fruits.
Round one
Despite pursuing Daynall, Brightstar helps the Trandoshan up and explains that they did not want him to get hurt. Nubs and Solay spot Rudi at the foot of the shuttle. Rudi roars with delight upon seeing his sister Joh. Orryak emerges from the top of the shuttle and grumbles at the Jedi interfering with her plans again. She is joined by Jarrot and Joh who sport weapons. Daynall apologizes to his aunt for letting the Jedi follow him back to their base. Solay is shocked to learn that Sellaccc is Daynaal’s aunt.
Brightstar confronts Orryak, demanding the return of Rudi. Orryak refuses and attacks him with her spear, prompting Brightstar to Force jump with the Force. Solay and Nubs draw their lightsabers and flank Brightstar. Orryak orders her pirate crew to attack the Jedi. After forming a defensive circle, the Jedi split to parry with different assailants. While Nubs and Solay cluster together, Brightstar fights on his own. Joh and Rudy call out to each other. Brightstar manages to topple a stack of crates onto Orryak and Jarrot.
Orryak orders Daynaal to pursue Joh. Daynall makes a half-hearted attempt and fails to stop Joh from reuniting with the bound Rudi. Seeing the affection between the two Wookiee siblings, Daynaal looks at them with a sad expression. He offers them a tentative smile. As the pirates gain the upper hand on the three Jedi, Orryak orders her other minions to seize them. When the Jedi deactivate their lightsabers, Daynall questions his aunt about the ethics of attacking the Wookiees, saying that they only want to celebrate Life Day in peace with their friends and family.
A new ally
Orryak is enraged and reminds her nephew that celebrating friends and family is for the weak and soft. Daynall reluctantly mouths in agreement. He offers to guard the prisoners while Orryak and the other pirates cut down a Life Day tree. This pleases Orryak who orders Daynall to guard the prisoners while she and other pirates depart on their speeders with a trailer containing a large electrical saw. As Daynall turns to face his bound captives, Brightstar tells the young Trandoshan that he doesn’t have to follow his aunt in choosing to do bad things. Daynall unlocks the Jedi and Wookiees’ stuncuffs.
When Nubs asks in Poobian why Daynall is letting them go, Daynall explains that when she saw Joh caring for her brother, he says that he knew that the people they love are worth celebrating despite what his aunt says. Brightstar thanks Daynall for having the courage to defy his aunt. Daynall is determined to stop the Ganguls from cutting down the Life Day tree but says the are outnumbered and need Rudi to help him. While Joh doesn’t trust the Trandoshan, Rudi is willing to give Daynall a chance. Before Daynall and Rudi depart on a speeder bike to get reinforcements, he tells the others to travel to the Life Day tree and hold off the pirates.
Round two
The Jedi depart for the Life Day Grove on their speeder bikes. While Solay is uncertain about Daynall’s loyalty, Brightstar vouches for him. Later, Orryak leads her pirate band to the Life Day Grove. The pirates begin using their electrical saw to cut through the Life Day tree’s trunk. The Jedi younglings and Joh arrive on their speeder bikes to confront the pirates, Orryak tasks Jarrot and Toda-Joh with manning the saw. Brightstar tells his friends to fight the pirates while he takes out the saw.
While Solay and Nubs fight the pirates, Brightstar approaches the saw but is attacked by Orryak, who is armed with a spear. Brightstar uses the Force to push Orryak, Jarrot and Toda-Joh away from the saw. Before the can disable the electrical saw, Orryak knocks his lightsaber out of her hand. She pins Brightstar down with her spear and says that he and his friends are outnumbered. However, Daynaal arrives with several adult Wookiee warriors.
When Orryak scolds Daynaal for freeing the prisoners, her nephew responds that he freed them and says that celebrating Life Day is not weak or soft. He says that it is their friends and family that makes them strong. He pleads with his aunt to stop. Orryak is furious and says she regret trying to train Daynaal to be a pirate. She orders Jarrot and Toda-Joh to continue operating the saw. Enraged at Daynaal for siding with her enemies, she charges at him with a spear but is blocked by Rudi, who throws her back. The other pirates begin to retreat. Brightstar summons his lightsaber with the Force and demands that Orryak surrender. While Brightstar disables the saw, Orryak grumbles about defeat before joining her fellow pirates in retreating.
As the Wookiees growl with joy, Brightstar commends Daynaal for standing up to his aunt. Daynaal expresses regret for Orryak’s actions but hopes that she will change her mind one day. Joh invites Daynaal to join their Life Day celebration with Solay translating from Shyriiwook. Daynaal thinks that he is unworthy but Rudi and Solay reassure him that he is a friend of the Wookiees. Rudi hugs Daynaal. Later that evening ,Rudi joins the Wookiees and Jedi in gathering around the Life Tree grove. Solay says that as long as friends and family celebrate together, Life Day will always go on.
“The Lost Treasure of Tenoo”
Kaliah’s journal
At the Tenoo Jedi Temple, Jedi Initiates Kai Brightstar and Djovi Resmia sort out old artifacts in an underground archive under instruction from Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna. Resmia takes an interest in a black blade with unknown inscriptions. Brightstar finds an old datapad which contains turns out to be Kaliah Kublop’s journal. They find a holorecording of her journal entry. Resmia and Brightstar are familiar with Kublop, an adventurer who became the founder of Tenoo.
In holo entry 67, Kublop makes a recording from the Tanglevine Base, her secret treehouse headquarters which is named after tanglevine snakes. Resmia expresses their fear of snakes. In the recording, Kublop introduces Master Staas Ragnabi, whom Resmia recognizes as a Jedi who used to explore the Outer Rim Territories. Kublop and Staas mention that the feared pirate captain Blackbolt is afraid of snakes and that they had repelled his attack on Tanglevine Base due to his fear of snakes. Kublop ends the recording by saying that she is the best adventure partner in the galaxy defending Tenoo from pirate attacks. Following the recording, Brightstar and Resmia discover this entry is the last entry in the journal and comes with a set of coordinates to Kublop’s secret base.
Rediscovering Tanglevine Base
Brightstar is eager to explore the base for its treasure and Jedi artifacts from Master Staas. He believes that they can learn more about the planet’s history. Resmia is reluctant due to their fear of snakes but obliges. The two younglings ride their dunnel mounts through the Tenoo tree forest. Brightstar teases Resmia about the loser having to clean the stables when they return. Unknown to them, they are being watched by a floating cam droid with bat-like wings. The two younglings reach a waterfall at the base of a giant Tenoo tree.
Brightstar says these are the coordinates but can’t find Tanglevine Base. Resmia spots a vine snake slithering across a branch and disappearing behind a waterfall. The two younglings work out that the base is behind a waterfall. They leave their dunnels behind and enter the waterfall. The bat-like cam droid is still surveilling them from above. The two younglings walk past several tanglevine snakes among the vines. After Brightstar discovers a hidden panel, he switches on the lights. Brightstar is delighted that they have found Tanglevine Base.
Blackbolt strikes again
Their elation is cut short by the arrival of Captain Blackbolt, who thanks the younglings for leading his droid to the Tanglevine Base and its treasures. When Brightstar expresses surprise at Blackbolt’s return, the pirate droid responds that he made a few repairs to his ship and found a route back to Tenoo. When the bat-like droid arrives and circles his master, Blackbolt thanks PR-OT for tracking Kublop’s datapad signal as they had done the last time. Blackbolt vows to claim Kublop’s treasures and not let the Jedi get in his way.
When Brightstar disagrees, Blackbolt summons two child-sized battle droids armed with electrostaffs. While Brightstar duels with Blackbolt, Resmia deals with the battle droids. When they backflip away, the first droid TW-D1D accidentally strikes the second droid TW-D1D and apologizes. The droids push Resmia against a stack of crates, releasing several tanglevine snakes. While fighting Brightstar, Blackbolt is unnerved by a slithering snake. While Blackbolt and his droids are distracted by the snakes, Brightstar attempts to take advantage of the situation. However, Resmia is terrified of the snakes and unable to assist Brightstar. Resmia joins Brightstar in fighting Blackbolt. However, the pirate droid gains the advantage and expels the two Jedi younglings from Tanglevine Bay’s waterfall entrance. While his battle droids guard the waterfall, Blackbolt intends to plunder the base’s treasure.
Confronting fear
At the banks of the waterfall, Resmia confides to Brightstar that they are afraid of snakes. When Brightstar asks Resmia why they kept this secret from him, Resmia replies that they did not want Brightstar to think they were weak. Brightstar reassures Resmia that they are not weak but are one of the strongest people he knows. When Resmia says that Brightstar is strong because he doesn’t fear snakes, Brightstar reassures his friend that he is afraid of spiders. Resmia admits they find spiders cute and apologizes for not confiding in Brightstar about their fears. Brightstar reassures Resmia he is there for them.
The two younglings resolve to retake Tanglevine Base. Working together, they drive the droids back and confront Blackbolt. Brightstar and Resmia vow to drive Blackbolt away just as Kublop and Staas had done in the past. Blackbolt vows to get rid of his opponents. While Resmia takes on the droids, Brightstar fights with the pirate droid. Blackbolt drives Brightstar up a stack of crates, where the young Jedi is harried by PR-OT. Resmia uses a vine to swing across the ceiling and rescue Brightstar.
Landing at the waterfall entrance, they resume their lightsaber battle against the intruders. Resmia takes on Blackbolt while Brightstar fights his battle droids. Though Resmia manages to drive Blackbolt towards the edge of the waterfall entrance, they are unnerved by a snake hanging from the ceiling. Brightstar reassures Resmia that they can be brave together. Resmia grabs the snake and throws it as Blackbolt. While Blackbolt struggles to free himself, Brightstar pushes him, TW-D1M and TW-D1D down the waterfall. The droids’ gears and circuits are damaged by the water. Before retreating, Blackbolt and his droids vow vengeance.
While Brightstar and Resmia examine the artifacts within Tanglevine Base, Resmia thanks Brightstar for being there with them. Brightstar says that Kublop and Staas would be proud of them and activates a hologram of the two. Resmia encourages Brightstar to continue in their search for artifacts inside the base.




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