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“The Great Gomgourd Quest”

The gomgourd drought
Padawan Wes Vinik accompanies Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay on a visit to the planet Omaka during the lead-up to Dunkutu Day. Solay and Brightstar explain that Dunkutu Day is a local thanksgiving holiday for people to celebrate the harvest with friends and families. They are joined by Nubs, who is excited about the prospect of savoring gomgourd. However, the Jedi quickly discover that there are no gomgourd foodstuffs among the foods being served on tables and stalls. Nubs falls to his knees and howls in dismay in Poobian.

An elderly human man named Roog reassures the Jedi that even though they don’t have gomgourds this year, they have Bota fruits, which he describes as “second best.” Nubs licks his lips with delight. Brightstar introduces Roog and his son Tey, and praises their gomgourd pies. Tey apologizes that they don’t have gomgourds this year due to a bad harvest. Shortly later, Tey’s daughter Fiorna arrives with her pack droid HM-7, who have been harvesting wild gomgourds. While Nubs and Roog are delighted, their celebration is short-lived as a flock of kroop birds circles the village menacingly.

The kroop birds divebomb into the village and one snatches a gomgourd with its talons. HM-7 attempts to flee but one of the birds trips the droid, causing the gomgourds to fall out. The Jedi attempt to retrieve the gomgourds but the birds fight for them. While fleeing a kroop bird, Brightstar crashes into a table, causing it to catapult its dishes and drinks. Vinik is splattered by a green paste while a bowl of red noodles lands on Nub’s head. Nubs grabs a gomgourd but an adult kroop bird grabs it with its talons, dragging the Pooba along for the ride. A kroop hatchling circles and pecks at Nubs, causing him to fall to the ground. Vinik, Brightstar and Solay use their Force powers to cushion Nub’s landing, saving him from injury. The kroop birds fly back to their mountain nests with the gomgourds.

Fiorna’s quest
Fiorna apologizes that her harvesting of wild gomgourds did not go according to plan. Roog rages at the birds. Vinik encourages the villagers by saying that they can still have their Dunkutu Day feast. The Jedi help prepare slices with bofa fruit jelly. Nubs eats one until Brightstar reminds him that these are for baking. Tey sends Fiorna and HM-7 to gather more bofa fruits from the forest. Nubs volunteers to accompany her. While gathering bofa fruits, Fiorna persuades Nubs to help her gather more wild gomgourd fruits with the promise of gomgourd pie. Nubs is hesitant until Fiorna says that it is for her dad.

The three travel through a narrow mountain trail. Nubs is uncomfortable but Fiorna convinces him to continue. Just then, part of the path breaks apart and HM-7 falls down the mountain. Nubs uses the Force to levitate HM-7 near enough to the rockface for them to pull him up. Nubs thinks that they should return to the village since it is getting dark. Fiorna wants to continue since HM-7 lost the bopa fruits during his fall. She says that they have to bring back something to the feast and insist that the gomgourd patch is neaby.

Back at the village, the other Jedi help the villagers prepare for the feast. Tey is concerned that Fiorna and Nubs have not returned. When Solay asks if they should look for them, Tey says that they should go as a group since the woods can be dangerous at night. Meanwhile Fiorna, Nubs and HM-7 reach the gomgourd patch. As they begin to harvest the gomgourds from the vines, Fiorna and Nubs discover that their presence has angered several kroop birds, which are nesting nearby. Several adult kroop birds surround the younglings and HM-7. Meanwhile, the other Jedi, Tey and Roog discover HM-7 and the younglings’ footprints are heading towards the mountain.

Making peace
The kroop birds corner Fiorna, Nubs and HM-7 against a rockface. Fiorna tries to shoo the kroop birds away from HM-7 and the gomgourds. Nubs notices a baby kroop bird pecking at a gomgourd. He breaks off a piece of gomgourd and shares the purple fruit with the baby kroop bird. This pacifies the kroop birds. Seeing Nubs’ example, Fiorna serves a pierce of gomgourd fruit to a kroop bird. As the Jedi and Fiorna’s relatives approach the nest, they fear for the worst as they hear the cackling of kroop birds. When they arrive at the nesting site, they find that Nubs and Fiorna have befriended the kroop birds by sharing fruits with them.

Tey and Roog are relieved that Fiorna is safe. Fiorna tells her father and grandfather that she took the gomgourds with the hope of making them into pies but did not realize that the wild gomgourd patch belonged to the kroop birds. Solay realizes this is the reason that the birds followed them back to the village. Fiorna realizes that the birds were just protecting their food source and apologizes to her father for causing them trouble. Tey reassures her that the gourds are not important but rather sharing their food with friends and family. Nubs and Tey hug Fiorna.

The group return to the Dunkutu Day feast where they join the celebrations. Despite the lack of gomgourd fruits, everyone is in a good mood. Nubs savours a cracker with boja fruit jam. He shares the cracker with a baby kroop bird that has flown to the village.

“A Sticky Situation”

Temple rat catcher
On the training grounds of the Tenoo Jedi Temple, Kai Brightstar catches a snap rat that has been frightening the other Jedi Initiates including Linh and Zotti. Once Brightstar has secured the creature inside a cage, Lys Solay takes pity on the animal and says that she has contacted SF-R3 (“Aree”) to arrange its re-homing. Aree arrives in his freighter and is impressed with Brightstar’s work in catching the snap rat. Due to Master Zia Zaldor Zanna and Wes Vinik being away on a mission, Brightstar says he has taken up the role of Temple “rat catcher.” Solay adds that she taught him everything that he knows while Nubs snickers.

Spider breakout
After Aree praises Brightstar for his bravery, Solay convinces the safari droid to let them have a tour of the animals aboard the freighter. The animals aboard the freighter include several crystal web spiders. Solay is fascinated by their intricate webs, which are glittery and sticky. Brightstar is visibly nervous and attempts to take leave. Aree asks if Brightstar is scared but he denies he is scared. Solay tries to reassure Brighstar while Aree advises the younglings to be careful around wild creatures but adds that the spiders are harmless. Brightstar backs himself into the outside of a pen containing a Spider-King, a large arachnid.

Aree explains that the spider-king is creating a nest that will be its permanent home. He says that he plans to relocate the spider-king to another planet which will serve as its permanent home. A nervous Brightstar backs himself into a console, which accidentally releases several crystal web spiders from their pens. Before they can close the ramp, several scurry out of the freighter towards the Jedi Temple. As the Jedi pursue the spiders, Brightstar blames himself but Aree reassures him.

The spiders scurry into the Tenoo Jedi Temple and begin building webs. Aree proposes using biscuits to lure the creatures back to his freighter. Brightstar volunteers to guard the freighter. Aree urges Brightstar to help, reminding him that he caught the snap rat. Inside the temple foyer, they find the droid Dee and several Jedi younglings including a dark-skin human girl, a green Mirialan boy and Bren caught in sticky, blue webs. Brightstar is frightened of spiders but Solay and Nubs manage to capture several spiders and lure them back to their pens aboard the freighter.

Facing the Spider-King
After returning to the temple foyer, the Jedi and Aree discover that the Spider-King is still lose in the Jedi Temple. Aree warns that the Spider-King’s webs are sticker than usual. Brightstar is fearful about the Spider-King will settle in the Temple for good. Nubs gets his paw stuck on a web. Aree warns that the Spider-King’s web is too strong for their training sabers to break them. Solay proposes that they navigate their way around the webs. However, she and Aree get stuck at different positions on the web, leaving Brightstar alone to tackle the Spider-King.

Brightstar wants to contact Master Zia but Aree warns that there won’t be enough time. With Solay’s encouragement, he attempts to run through a series of webs but panics. Aree reassures Brightstar that everyone has moments of courage and fear while Solay encourages him to breathe. Brightstar make a second attempt and uses the Force to jump through a series of webs. Aree passes Brightstar a shoulder bag. He ventures into a web-covered chamber with his lightsaber. Brightstar finds the Spider-King weaving a web near a ceiling. He attempts to lure the Spider-King by holding up the shoulder bag with a wooden crutch.

Overcoming fear
Despite his fears, Brightstar manages to lure the Spider-King out of the room by dropping biscuits. He arrives in the foyer to find that Master Zanna has freed the others with her lightsaber. She is visibly scared of the Spider-King. Brightstar continues luring the Spider-King back to Aree’s freighter and locks it back in its pen. Master Zanna compliments Brightstar for his courage and asks him and the other younglings to recount their story outside. Brightstar asks if Zanna is scared of spiders. Zanna acknowledges she is scared of spiders but says that Jedi are not controlled by their fear. She praises Brightstar for doing the right thing even when he is sacred.

As Zanna heads back to the Temple, Aree expresses relief that the spiders have been secured in their pens. He farewells the Jedi younglings. As the younglings walk back to the Temple, Solay asks Master Zia how she feels about snap rats. When Zanna admits she is scared of the rodents, Brightstar offers to retell the story of their adventure.




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