Saturday, September 7, 2024

Soont Izes

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Name: Soont Izes
Type: Criminal
Species: Human
Homeworld: Ord Mantell
Gender: Male
Born: —
Died: —
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: —
Weight: —
Skin: Light

Blaster: 3D
Blaster Artillery: 3D
Dodge: 3D
Grenade: 2D+1
Pick Pocket: 4D
Vehicle Blasters: 2D+2

Survival: 2D+1

Repulsorlift Operation: 2D+1

Con: 4D
Gambling: 3D+2

Brawling: 3D
Stamina: 3D+2


Special Abilities:
Cybernetics: IR Sensor
Item: IR Sensor
Bonus: Darkvision to 30m
Price: 300
Surgery: 2,250
Side Effect: Blinded by nearby heat sources

Total Cybernetic Replacement
Model: Via-Tech Industries Cybernetic Support system
Type: Full cybernetic biological replacement
Skill: Medicine: cyborging (to install)
Cost: 90,000 (15,000 surgery cost)
Cyber Points: 6
Availability: 2, R
Difficulty: To install: Very Difficult
Game notes: There are some instances of such extensive damage that almost all organic components must be replaced. Should a being suffer incredible damage, but the vital organs remain in sufficient working condition, they may have a series of prosthetic and life-support surgeries that would constitute a total cybernetic replacement. In an instance where a character would normally die, he may have the option of spending a Force Point to stay alive long enough for his companions to transport him to a medical facility to attempt a complete cybernetic replacement. The complete changeover surgery is long and complicated. It requires six separate Very Difficult (A) Medicine or cyborging rolls. If any one of the rolls fails, then the character dies. If all six rolls are successful, the character has the same stats as before the injuries. However, the character gains the Hybrid Cyborg special ability: Hybrid Cyborg – A cyborg may install any droid upgrade or attachment except those that enhance a droid’s heuristic processor. The cyborg chassis contains a life-support system that makes the character immune to atmospheric and inhaled poison hazards. Hybrid Cyborgs are bound by the same rules that govern cybernetic enhancement (see Galladinium’s Fantastic Technology pages 5-6), and the replacement counts as six separate enhancements.

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 8
Move: 10

Equipment: Knife (STR+1D)

Background: Soont Izes was born on the fringe world of Ord Mantell during the High Republic era. From a young age, he was marked by violence and a disregard for authority. His early life shaped by poverty and crime, he quickly learned that strength and ruthlessness were the only currencies that mattered in the lawless regions of the galaxy. Draven’s criminal career began with small-time smuggling and extortion, but his ambition and brutality soon caught the attention of the Thyrgunn crime syndicate operating in the Outer Rim. Under their patronage, he rose through the ranks swiftly, becoming known for his unflinching willingness to use violence to achieve his goals. In 132 BBY, Soontz was captured, convicted, and placed onboard the prison transport Palwick to be extradited and sent to Coruscant to face additional charges. After watching a convict subdued by a Dybbuk, a parasitic organism, the convict talked with Osha Aniseya about attempting an escape that he and the other convicts are planning. During the escape attempt, Aniseya asks for the convict to free her; the convict laughs at her and escapes with the others. The convict is later arrested and detained in a cell on the planet Coruscant.

A light-skinned human male with shaggy brown hair. Soontz’s most distinctive feature is an intricate tattoo covering the right side of his face, each marking a significant kill or achievement in his criminal career. The tattoos are a source of pride and intimidation, reminding others of his deadly reputation. They symbolize his journey through the criminal underworld, each design representing a different phase of his rise to power. Soontz Izes’s ambitions have brought him into direct conflict with the Galactic Republic. His operations often involve smuggling contraband, trafficking in illicit goods, and orchestrating violent turf wars across the Outer Rim. Despite numerous attempts by Jedi Knights to bring him to justice, Draven’s cunning and ruthlessness have allowed him to evade capture time and again.

Appearances: The Acolyte

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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