"Dr. Mandible" was a male member of an unknown insectoid alien species who was a regular at the Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina on Tatooine. As a cantina regular, Dr. Mandible was sitting at the bar of Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in Mos Eisley when the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin walked in, searching for work.
Tag: The Mandalorian
Bo-Katan Kryze (MANDO)
Bo-Katan Kryze was a Mandalorian human female who was the leader of the Nite Owls and a lieutenant in Death Watch, a terrorist group, and later during the Imperial Era, became Mand’alor.
WED 15 Treadwell Droid
The WED-15 Treadwell was a small model of WED Treadwell repair droid produced by Cybot Galactica as a multi-purpose repair unit.
Scrapjaw Raider
A Scrapjaw, the same species as Motito was an ally of a Kajain'sa'Nikto raider on Tatooine. Along with the Kajain'sa'Nikto and another raider, the alien ambushed the Mandalorian Din Djarin but was defeated and killed by him.
Biran Redben
Biran Redben was a human male criminal who lived during the New Republic Era. At some point, he was arrested on charges of medical malpractice and was sentenced to serve fifty years on Tamazall for his crimes.
Tuskan Raider Reaver
Tusken Raiders, less formally referred to as Sand People or simply as Tuskens, were a culture of nomadic, primitive sentients indigenous to the desert planet Tatooine, where they were often hostile to local settlers.
Tusken Raider (Sandpeople)
Tusken Raiders, less formally referred to as Sand People or simply as Tuskens, were a culture of nomadic, primitive sentients indigenous to the desert planet Tatooine, where they were often hostile to local settlers. Tusken children were called Uli-ah.
R5-D4, also called "Red" by Luke Skywalker, was a red and white-striped R5 astromech droid owned by a group of Jawas on Tatooine in the early days of the Galactic Civil War. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, the Jawas attempted to sell him to Owen Lars, but the droid purposely malfunctioned his motivator at the advice of R2-D2, so that Lars could purchase R2-D2 in R5-D4's place.
Tusken Raider Sniper
Tusken Raider Snipers were the primary hunters of the tribe. They had the ability to quietly hunt their prey without being seen. Several Tusken Raider Snipers took part in the hunt of a Greater Krayt Dragon in 9 ABY.
Zephyr-J Speeder Bike
The Zephyr-J was a type of speeder bike manufactured by Mobquet Swoops and Speeders. It was used in the Outer Rim Territories.