CC-1004, nicknamed "Gree" after the species of the same name, was a Clone Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars.
Tag: The Clone Wars
CT-55/11-9009, also known as Jai'galaar in Mando'a or simply Jag, was a clone trooper captain who served the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.
CC-4477, nicknamed "Thire," was a clone trooper lieutenant, and was later the commander of the elite shock troopers of the Coruscant Guard for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.
CT-5555 (short for CT-27-5555), and later referred to as ARC-5555, or just "Fives", was an Advanced Recon Commando who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
CC-2237, codenamed "Odd Ball," which also served as his callsign, was a Clone Commander and pilot during the Clone Wars who participated in campaigns such as the Battle of Teth, the Battle of Umbara, the Battle of Coruscant, and the Battle of Utapau.
Aiwhas, also called air whales, were a non-sentient species of winged cetaceans native to the planet Kamino. They were used as mounts by the Kaminoans
CC-1119, nicknamed "Appo," was a clone trooper officer who served as a Clone Sergeant and later as a Clone Commander in the 501st Legion during the Clone Wars.
CC-1138, nicknamed "Bacara," was a clone trooper officer who held the military rank of Clone Marshal Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
CC-5052, nicknamed "Bly," was an Advanced Recon Commando and clone trooper officer who held the military rank of Clone marshal commander in the 327th Star Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
The Clone Wars Movie
After the Republic's victory on Christophsis, Anakin and his new apprentice Ahsoka Tano must rescue the kidnapped son of Jabba the Hutt. Political intrigue complicates their mission.