CT-55/11-9009, also known as Jai'galaar in Mando'a or simply Jag, was a clone trooper captain who served the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.
CC-1004, nicknamed "Gree" after the species of the same name, was a Clone Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars.
CC-2237, codenamed "Odd Ball," which also served as his callsign, was a Clone Commander and pilot during the Clone Wars who participated in campaigns such as the Battle of Teth, the Battle of Umbara, the Battle of Coruscant, and the Battle of Utapau.
CC-1119, nicknamed "Appo," was a clone trooper officer who served as a Clone Sergeant and later as a Clone Commander in the 501st Legion during the Clone Wars.
Jedi Interceptor Eta-2 Actis-class
The Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, also known as the Jedi starfighter or Jedi interceptor, was a starfighter used by the Jedi during the Clone Wars.
B2 Series Battle Droid
B2-series super battle droids, also known as B2 super battle droids, super battle droids or super droids, were an advanced battle droid used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.
Gregar Typho
Gregar Typho was a human male and a captain of the Royal Naboo Security Forces during the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars. He served as Senator Padmé Amidala's head of security, ensuring her safety at all costs.
Venator Star Destroyer
The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as a Republic attack cruiser or Jedi Cruiser, was the wedge-shaped capital ship utilized by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.
Dooku (Darth Tyranus)
Dooku, a Force-sensitive human male, was a Jedi Master that fell to the dark side of the Force and became the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Tyranus during the final years of the Galactic Republic.
Chewbacca (ROTS)
Chewbacca, known affectionately to his friends as Chewie, was a Wookiee male warrior, smuggler, mechanic, pilot, and resistance fighter who fought in the Clone Wars, the Galactic Civil War, and the conflict and subsequent war between the First Order and the Resistance.