The Nautolans were a humanoid species from the planet Glee Anselm. They were amphibious, and adapted to survive in harsh environments. Nautolan society was largely peaceful, but they were at odds with the Anselmi, a related species also native to their home planet.
Nute Gunray
Nute Gunray was a Neimoidian male who served as the Viceroy of the Trade Federation and a high-ranking member of the Separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems and chairman of the Separatist Council.
NR-N99 Persuader-class Droid Enforcer
The NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer, also known as the NR-N99 Persuader-class tank droid, the NR-N99 Persuader heavy droid tank, or as the NR-N99 Tank Droid, was a model of droid tank manufactured by the Techno Union.
Clone Trooper Armor (Phase II)
Phase II clone trooper armor was an enhanced version of the Phase I clone trooper armor, used by the clone troopers of the Galactic Republic’s Grand Army during the Clone Wars. After the Clone Wars, it was retained by the stormtroopers of the newly-formed Galactic Empire, but was gradually replaced by new stormtrooper armor.
Muuns were a thin, tall humanoid species from the frozen world of Scipio, though they also had a large colony on the mineral-rich planet of Muunilinst.
Skakoans were a sentient species native to the planet Skako. In order to survive off of their homeworld, they were required to wear pressure suits to simulate its unique atmosphere and pressure, which were vastly different from the galactic standard.
Wat Tambor
Wat Tambor was a male Skakoan who was the foreman of the Techno Union and an executive of Baktoid Armor Workshop. During the Separatist Crisis, he pledged the Techno Union's resources to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, earning himself a seat on the Separatist Council during the Clone Wars.
Jamillia was a human female who served as the Queen of Naboo during the final years of the Galactic Republic. She ran for the office of queen as Padmé Amidala's term ended, but lost to Réillata. Jamillia later served as queen at the outbreak of the Clone Wars.
Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier (LAATc)
The Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier, known more simply as the LAAT/c, was a vehicle carrier variant of Rothana Heavy Engineering's Low Altitude Assault Transport series of repulsorlift gunships developed for the Grand Army of the Republic.
Sio Bibble
Sio Bibble was the human male governor of Naboo and a member of the Royal Advisory Council during the final years of the Galactic Republic and the early days of the Galactic Empire.