The planet Kaldar, located in the Kaldar Trinary system was situated in the galaxy. The planet contained the ancient superweapon Skara Nal which had been hidden away for over a thousand years.
Tag: planets
Safa Toma is a desert planet currently sitting in an unknown star system. Its population is made of diverse species, including Bith, Pantoran, Gotals, Arcona, Rodians, humans and many more. Cid, along with Tech, Wrecker and Omega of the Bad Batch went here to be a riot-racing crew once.
Desix was a planet that broke away from the Galactic Republic prior to the Clone Wars and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Zygerria was a planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories that was the homeworld of the Zygerrian species. Zygerria was a temperate, rocky planet, with terrain including plains, mesas, and highlands.
An idyllic world filled with vast green valleys and flowing waterfalls located in the galaxy's Expansion Region. The world was host to 50,000 Togruta colonists. The planet was ruled by Governor Gupat Roshti, who was contacted by Master Yoda just prior to the Separatist occupation of Kiros during the Clone Wars.
Patitite Pattuna
Patitite Pattuna was a planet in the galaxy's Mid Rim, not far from Balnab, that was the homeworld of the tiny Patitite species.
Narkina 5
Narkina 5 was a small water moon with rocky islands, inlets, mesas, lakes and beaches with massive canyons and dry trees orbiting a gas giant.
Frezno was a planet covered in fog and grasslands located in a forgotten sector of the galaxy not far from Aldhani.
A world with a desert-like surface, Aleen was unique in that it contained a series of complex caverns in the upper crust that was viewed as a second biosphere with its own unique atmosphere.
Raada was a remote farming moon in the Outer Rim Territories. The moon was originally controlled by farmers, but the Galactic Empire eventually used the moon as a source of nutrient rich plants to be used in rations.