Teeka was a Jawa individual who resided on the planet Tatooine and was part of a Jawa tribe in 9 BBY.
Tag: OWK
Crocin were a reptilian sentient species that were native to Croce. Crocin had short bodies and teeth that protruded from the tops of their mouth.
Native to the desert planet Pasaana. They are generally peaceful and hospitable, and welcome offworlders to their planet. The Aki-Aki maintain a pre-starflight level of civilization, but adopt a number of advanced tools to aid in their life on Pasaana.
Alderaanian Diplomatic Cruiser
Corvettes manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation and used as diplomatic cruisers by the Royal House of Alderaan.
Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter
Simply referred to as a Tri-wing, was a class of starship that was manufactured by Incom Corporation.
Nari’s Lightsaber
The weapon of a Jedi Knight, Nari carried his hand crafted Lightsaber up until his death in 9 BBY on Tatooine. The Inquisitors put his lightsaber on display as a trophy.
Nari was a Force-sensitive human male who served the Jedi Order as a Jedi. In 9 BBY, after the Great Jedi Purge, Nari was hiding on the planet Tatooine and helped the owner of a cantina.
Padu Cherd
Padu Cherd was a human male who worked as a laborer at a sand whaling station on the desert planet Tatooine. After one shift in 9 BBY, he discovered that he had only received half his pay and pleaded with foreman Groff Ditcher for the rest as he had a family.
Agira was an Imroosian female who served as a handmaiden of the House of Organa on the planet Alderaan.
Groff Ditcher
Groff Ditcher was a brutish human male who worked as the foreman of a sand whaling station on the desert planet Tatooine.