<< Previous Page Name: Luke Skywalker Type: Jedi Master (As of the Battle of Crait) Species: HumanHomeworld: TatooineGender: MaleBorn: 19 BBY (981 GC)Died: 34 ABY (1034 GC)Hair Color: Blonde / GrayEye Color: BlueHeight: 1.72 metersWeight: 73 kgSkin: Light Dexterity 3D Blaster 6D+2, Brawling Parry 6D+2 Dodge 9D Melee Combat 5D+2 Melee Parry 10D+2 Lightsaber 11D Knowledge 2D Alien Species 5D+2 Bureaucracy 5D+2 Intimidation 6D Languages […]
Tag: Luke D6
Luke Skywalker (ROTJ)
<< Previous Page Name: Luke Skywalker (As of the Battle of Endor) Type: Jedi Knight Species: HumanHomeworld: TatooineGender: MaleBorn: 19 BBY (981 GC)Died: 34 ABY (1034 GC)Hair Color: BlondeEye Color: BlueHeight: 1.72 metersWeight: 73 kgSkin: Light DEXTERllY 3D Blaster 6D+2 Brawling parry 5D+2 Dodge 7D+1 Lightsaber 7D+2 Melee combat 4D Melee parry 9D KNOWLEDGE 2D Alien species 4D Bureaucracy 5D+2 Streetwise 6D Survival 6D Value […]
Luke Skywalker (ESB)
<< Previous Page Name: Luke Skywalker (As of the Battle of Hoth)Type: Young JediSpecies: HumanHomeworld: TatooineGender: MaleBorn: 19 BBY (981 GC)Died: 34 ABY (1034 GC)Hair Color: BlondeEye Color: BlueHeight: 1.72 metersWeight: 73 kgSkin: Light DEXTERITY 3D Blaster 6D+2 Brawling parry 5D Dodge 7D+1 Lightsaber 7D+2 Melee combat 4D Melee parry 9D KNOWLEDGE 2D Alien species 4D Bureaucracy 5D+2 Streetwise 6D Survival 6D Value 4D MECHANICAL […]
Luke Skywalker (ANH)
<< Previous Page Name: Luke Skywalker (As of the Battle of Yavin)Type: Brash PilotSpecies: HumanHomeworld: TatooineGender: MaleBorn: 19 BBY (981 GC)Died: 34 ABY (1034 GC)Hair Color: BlondeEye Color: BlueHeight: 1.72 metersWeight: 73 kgSkin: Light DEXTERITY 3D Blaster 6D Brawling parry 4D Dodge 6D Lightsaber 4D+l Melee combat 4D Melee parry 5D KNOWLEDGE 2D Alien species 3D Bureaucracy 2D+2 Streetwise 2D+l Survival 6D Value 4D MECHANICAL […]