Dorian Janarus was a Human male who was elected as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic in order to replace Paran Am-Ris. General Elin Garza of the Republic Special Forces Division, Governor Leontyne Saresh of Taris, and the Mantellian Separatist Movement were among his political rivals.
Tag: Knights of the Old Republic
T3-M4 (also called Teethree for short) was a T3-series utility droid built as a master slicer for crime lord Davik Kang. His life of crime was short-lived, however, after Taris was bombarded by the Sith and Davik was killed. He then accompanied Revan on his search for the Star Forge.
HK-47 was a Hunter-Killer series assassin droid and Jedi hunter constructed by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan, shortly after the end of the Mandalorian Wars in 3960 BBY.
Carth Onasi
Carth Onasi, nicknamed Fleet, was a famous Human male soldier and an expert pilot born in 3994 BBY on the planet Telos IV, where he would later start a family with his wife, Morgana; they had a son they named Dustil.
Kandosii Dreadnaught
The Kandosii-type dreadnaught, named after the Mando'a word for "indomitable", was the largest capital ship used by the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars.
Darth Malak was a Human male who reigned as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the Jedi Civil War. Before becoming a Sith Lord, Alek was born on the planet Quelii in the Outer Rim Territories.
Zaalbar, also nicknamed "Big Z" by Mission Vao, was a male Wookiee who aided the former Sith Lord Revan in his quest throughout the galaxy to find and destroy the Star Forge superweapon.
Mission Vao
Mission Vao was a female Rutian Twi'lek who lived as a street urchin on the ecumenopolis of Taris during the Mandalorian Wars and the first half of the Jedi Civil War.
Canderous Ordo
Canderous Ordo, later known as Mandalore the Preserver, was a Mandalorian of Clan Ordo who fought in the Mandalorian Wars from 3976 BBY to 3960 BBY.