An unidentified Gungan female who lived in Jan-gwa city on Naboo during the Clone Wars was the mother of Roo-Roo Page.
Tag: Gungan
Peppi Bow
A female Gungan shaak herder who lived on Naboo during the Clone Wars. After several of her lifestock had been poisoned after drinking from a river outside Naboo's capital Theed, Peppi learned from Senator Padmé Amidala and Representative Jar Jar Binks that her animals had been the victim of a Separatist biological weapon that had contaminated the river.
The Gungans were a sentient amphibious species. They were tall humanoids with a flexible structure and strong leg muscles which allowed them to live in the waters of Naboo. Although Gungans' lives revolved around water, they did not need it to thrive and could settle far from it.