<< Previous Page Name: R5-G9 Class: Astromech droid Sensor color: Black Plating color: Black DEXTERITY 1D Dodge 4D KNOWLEDGE 1D MECHANICAL 2D Astrogation 5D Space Transports 4D Starfighter Piloting 4D PERCEPTION 4D Search 5D Search Tracking 6D STRENGTH 1D TECHNICAL 2D Computer Programming/Repair4D Starfighter Repair 6D* Game Notes: Astromech droids, if acting in co-pilot capacity, […]
Tag: droids
The BB-series was a model of astromech droid active during the era of the First Order Resistance conflict which featured a domed head, similar to that of an R2 series astromech droid, mounted on a spherical body.
D-O was a droid that was once owned by the Sith assassin Ochi of Bestoon. The droid was created by a droidsmith, who was killed by Ochi.
<< Previous Page Name: BFB-7Plating color: Dark gray Dexterity: 1DKnowledge: 1DMechanical: 1DPerception: 1DStrength: 1D Lifting 4DTechnical: 1D Equipped with: Wheels Lifting Platform (Lifting +2D) Move: 6 Background: BFB-7 was a droid nicknamed “Boost-Bot,” who was active during the war between the First Order and the Resistance. << Previous Page