The OG-9 homing spider droid, sometimes referred to as the spider walker or the Separatist spider droid, was a droid walker manufactured for anti-vehicular combat by the Commerce Guild before and during the Clone Wars.
Tag: droids
R4-P22 was the designation of the astromech droid attached to Anakin Skywalker's modified Delta-7 Aethersprite-class starfighter, Azure Angel, during the Clone Wars.
8D-Series Smelter Droid
The 8D droid series resembled Muuns rather than their insectoid Verpine designers to suit the majority humanoid population of the Galaxy.
A-LT Utility Droid
The A-LT Utility Droid was a model of domed, tread-wheeled droid. Although they were designed as astromech droids, A-LTs were often adapted for more menial tasks.
WED 15 Treadwell Droid
The WED-15 Treadwell was a small model of WED Treadwell repair droid produced by Cybot Galactica as a multi-purpose repair unit.
DUM Series Pit Droid
The DUM-series pit droid was a model of repair droid manufactured by Serv-O-Droid, Inc. and was in use prior to the Clone Wars. They served as repair droids though had basic programming to pilot ground and space vehicles.
R2 Astromech Droid
R2 series astromech droids, also known as R2 units, were a very popular series of astromech droids produced by Industrial Automaton.
R7 Astromech Droid
The R7-series astromech droid was an astromech droid produced by Industrial Automaton during the Galactic Civil War. The R7-series was designed specifically for use with the Rebel Alliance/New Republic E-wing escort starfighter.
C1-series Astromech Droid
The C1-series astromech droid was originally an astromech droid series that was but was discontinued because of the droids ability to learn quickly and outsmart its programmers by self-enhancing its preservation routines.
R3 Astromech Droid
The R3-series astromech droid was part of the line of R-series astromech droids manufactured by Industrial Automaton.