BREAKING NEWS: Amidala Alive Determined Senator Addresses SenateMilitary Creation Act Vote Delayed In an unparalleled display of devotion to service, Senator Padmé Amidala, believed killed in a terrorist strike this morning, emerged alive and well in time for the day’s Military Creation Act vote, though the Vote was postponed pending security reviews. Amidala made her […]
Tag: desix
Recharge Prices Jump .4 Credits TRADE DISTRICT, CORUSCANT — The Coruscant Energy Commission’s increase in service rates can be felt at the corner power stations as commuters have noticed a 4-decicred spike in recharge rates around the world. Today’s weighted price per parajoule jumped to 1.72 credits, up from 1.32 last week, according to a […]
Jedi Defeated for Teräs Käsi Title ÄSLAJÄ, BUNDUKI – The Force was not with Jedi Knight Joclad Danva tonight. In the evening air of the final purple-hued moon of the season, the formerly undefeated Danva was humbled in teräs käsi combat by new Palawa Band champion Phow Ji. Ji ended the exhausting 47-minute bout with […]
IA Caps Droid Rocket Warranty at 20 Years RORDIS CITY, NUBIA – Rescinding previous consumer documentation that guaranteed a “lifetime” of reliability in their after-market astromech hover rockets, Industrial Automaton has now capped the warranty at 20 standard years. This decision affects all optional R2, R3 and R4-adapted leg-bracket and barrel-housed propellant rocket systems. IA […]
Stone Mites Claim Ord Tiddell LAGABEE, ORD TIDDELL – The state capital of Ord Tiddell now lies in ruins, its foundation having been repeatedly perforated by the voracious appetites of thousands of stone mites. Much of Ord Tiddell’s capital city of Lagabee has been abandoned, and the planet’s population of four million is in the […]
Cadinth Loyalty Uncertain After Jedi Death SASKAPEG, CADINTH – Following the death of their Jedi watchman, the Mid Rim world of Cadinth is wavering in its loyalty to the Republic. The Cadinth Oligarchy withdrew previous statements of support when a pro-Separatist uprising in the capital city of Saskapeg resulted in the death of Jedi Knight […]
Desrini Plagued by Dianogass DESRINI DISCTRICT, CORUSCANT – Compounding the Desrini District’s hardships following last month’s refuse cannon misfire, the growing garbage pile up in the lower levels has attracted huge numbers of dianogas. Health and civic officials have confirmed that at least 25 of the district’s homeless population have been attacked and killed by […]
Judicial Fired for Complaints of Species-Bias JUDICIAL ARCOLOGY, CORUSCANT – Personnel Director Lanyss Gutierrace was suspended today from the Judicial Department upon discovery of anti-alien bias in her hiring practices. “Our investigations have indicated that the claims against Director Gutierrace are valid, and we will re-review all applicants that were turned away solely on the […]
Campaigning Reports from the Mid Rim MID RIM NODE – With the Military Creation Act vote seven days away, many traveling Senators and representatives are collecting a final consensus from their constituents to determine their vote next week. The Mid Rim is now a hotbed of last-minute campaigning to ensure that the voices of each […]
Jedi Taskforce Dispatched to Reel in Thranta EXPANSION REGION NODE – The Judicial Department has dispatched a Jedi taskforce to track down the rogue Judicial corvette, Scarlet Thranta, which has started its own private war with the Separatists. “At 0400 this morning, a taskforce of 12 Jedi and 30 Judiciaries left Coruscant for the Sluis sector in […]